part seven-kagami

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I wake and start my morning routine I put on my cardio outfit and go down to have a breakfast of rice with Ikura. Next I went to the training room for 40 minutes of  cardio after that I go to my room and go into the bathroom have a shower then put on my normal outfit.

I check my phone to see whether I have any notifications I have one from Ryan.

Ryan:alright cool I will ask ladybug tonight
Kagami:cool see you at school

At school

I walk into school and see Adrien and marinette hugging and Kissing if only I could be Adrien I would be much happier not the jealous wreck I am now

"Hey kagami" I turn around to see Ryan smiling his crooked smile

"Oh hi"

" yeah well I'm early today somehow and also why'd you message me back at 2:35 AM isn't that a little late to be up"

"I uhh had a bad dream"

"You wanna talk about it"

"What about tonight during the patrol"

"OK then"

The patrol

"Hey kagami you gonna tell me about that dream" Ryan asks

"Uhhh sure"

"So what was it about?"

I tell what the dream was about at the end his mouth is in the shape of an O

"Umm wow that... That is a lot to take in"

"Yeah I know"

"So do you have a crush on anyone else" Ryan asks

"Well I kinda have a crush on Adrien but that's kinda because he's the only other kid my age I've ever known until I started coming to school"

Ryan runs his hand through his hair which had turned black due to the suit

"Ok nice"

"Uhh you wanna talk about how Adrien and Marinette are ladybug and chat noir now?"

"Yeah sure imma just ask how did you not see it all that changes is that they have a mask covering their face and no offence but it pretty much the same for most of the others at least with my suit my hair colour changes"

"You have a point"

We spend the rest of the night joking around and having fun

At home

"You know you should tell your mum what your sexuality is" Longg says

"No! I swear she's homophobic"

"I don't think so and also if she really loves you she will accept you for who you are or at least she will try to"

"Maybe but knowing my mum she won't change her mind just because her daughter is bi my mum is stubborn she will stick by her statement no matter what"

"Yes but that is only if she is homophobic" Longg says trying to cheer me up

"Thanks longg" I say then I walk over to my bathroom to take a shower before dinner

After her shower

I sit on my bed staring at my clock waiting butterfly's flying around in my stomach

"Kagami you look like your gonna faint any second now calm down ok"

"How am I meant to calm down when I'm about to tell my mum who is more then likely homophobic that I'm bi-sexual"

"You know she could be homophobic but not bi-phobic"


The clock hits 5 and it's time to go have dinner I walk down the stairs feeling more and more blood drains from my face with each step I make even when my face was impossibly pale  it still got paler lucky my mum's blind

I walk into the dining room where my mum is sitting down waiting for me

"Good afternoon mum" I say bowing then sitting down I look down at the dinner the chef's had prepared for us and realise that it's not the usual Japanese meal we normally had It was an American style dinner of steak, mashed potato and vegetables

"I notice that we are having American cuisine tonight"

"I thought you deserved something different tonight"

"Thanks" I say

It's now or never I think to myself I try to tell her but everytime I open my mouth nothing comes out I look down to longgs hiding spot in my pocket and see him smiling up at me trying to encourage me into telling my mum I take a deep breath to calm myself down then start to talk

"Hey mum I need to tell you something" I say looking over to my mum

"Go on" she says


"Kagami I've told you to never hesitate don't start now"

"Yes mum" I say looking down "what I wanted to tell you is that I'm bi-sexual and I have a crush on a girl at school"

I look up and see my mum staring at me with a blank face


A/N sorry I had a writer's block so that chapter was probably a bit boring next chapter imma try to make it better hang in there anyways have a good day/night😚

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