part one- kagamis pov

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I hop out of the car with butterfly's in my stomach I look at the school in all its glory. I walk up the stairs and into the school everythings familiar to me I've been here before to do fencing with adrien it still feels weird though.

"Hey there kagami!" I jump not realising Adrien had snuck up behind me while I was stuck in my own little world.

"Oh hey Adrien" I say getting lost in his emerald green eyes.

"So I was thinking since you only just started going to highschool today i was thinking maybe you would like to um..." Adrien Said obviously nervous I could tell even if I didn't listen because he was scratching the back of his head "I was wondering if you like to come have lunch with me and my friends"

"Uhhh... Sure but why are you so nervous"

"Well... Ugh... Umm... I'm gonna ask marinette out today" I started to feel sick to my stomach how could he do that I didn't care who this marinette girl was I was going to kill her.

"Who's she" I say trying to keep the anger out of my voice but failing

"Kagami are you ok you seem mad did I do something" he asks nervously

"No no you did nothing" but you with my heart

"Watch where your going dupain-cheng!" Someone obviously a spoilt brat said

I look up to see a blonde who looked like she had 10 layers of make-up on looking very mad  with a red haired girl cowering behind her and another girl with blue hair that had obviously fell over flat on her face in front of the spoilt brat.

I went to ask Adrien who they were when I realised he had already run over to help the blue haired girl up while yelling at the blonde haired girl I listened in.

"Chloe will you even try to be nice or is that Impossible for a spoilt brat like you" Adrien yelled at the girl that must be Chloe as the blue haired girl stared at him her blue eyes full what looked like love as I stared at her I got a weird feeling in my stomach stronger then what I get for Adrien way stronger the more I stare at her the stronger it gets.

As I keep on staring the blue haired girl makes eye contact with me as soon as I notice what's going on my face goes scarlet and I look away as quickly as I can afraid of what's going on with me. I fell myself hoping that she is not the girl that Adrien wants to ask out.

During that time I didn't realise what was going in and started listening into the conversation between Chloe and Adrien again.

"But adrikins why can't we be friends anymore!" I hear Chloe say looking like she was about to explode like a bomb

"Because your a spoilt fucking brat and you can't help yourself but be a bully to my friends"

"But why would you rather be friends with those... Those... Those things!" She spat out the last word

"Because they are actually nice unlike you now fuck off"

"Uhhh imma call daddykins this school doesn't deserve someone like ME!"

I instantly hated this Chloe girl on the spot.

"Hey kagami this is marinette" my heart dropped the girl was marinette I suddenly wishes I hadn't begged my mum to allow me to go to a public school this is gonna be alot more trouble then it's worth.

A/N heyy I hope you like the first chapter of my fanfic I will try to write more chapters as quickly as I can but I still have a lot of home-schooling to do. Have a good day/night

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