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"xiaojunnie~" yangyang whined, falling onto xiaojun's shoulder. he felt weak, but he had still come into school. he was beginning to think that was a bad idea.

xiaojun laughed at him, before standing up from the bench they were sat on, "i have a lesson to get to, i'll see you soon, alright? go eat something."


yangyang leant against the wall, before hendery shortly joined him. he didnt complain. he didnt grunt or roll his eyes like he usually would, instead he smiled, greeting the boy with a small, "hi."

"hey," hendery smiled at the fact yangyang didnt react as such, "you look pale, are you alright?"

"i'm gonna be honest, i feel like shit," yangyang chuckled, sipping his water, "i'll be fine though.."

"are you sure?" hendery asked again, pushing yangyang's hair out of his face, taking a look at his face, "im not kidding, you look really... not good."

"nuh-uh," yangyang shook his head, "i promise, i'm fine.."

hendery didnt believe him, from the way he looked, and the fact his hands were shaking. he waited a moment, before taking yangyang's hand in his, "yang, you're shaking... here, come with me, we'll go see the nurse."

yangyang shook his head persistently, as hendery stood up. he remained seated as he shot hendery a pout and sad eyes.

"please?" hendery asked, kneeling down as if talking to a child. yangyang smiled, patting hendery's head like a dog, "you're weird."

yangyang laughed, before standing up, hendery following him, "i dont wanna go to the nurse. i'm okay. we can go somewhere else though."



"please? for me?" hendery pleaded, immediately regretting it, knowing yangyang probably wouldn't do anything for him. he was proven right, when yangyang raised his eyebrow at him and gave a small smirk, "ugh, nevermind."

"oh kunhang, it's so cute how much you care about me.." yangyang sighed, walking with his hands behind his back and a smile on his pale face, "fine, you can take me to the nurse's office."

"you think i'm cute now?"

yangyang didnt reply, instead he just kept walking, as hendery smiled happily, taking yangyang's bag for him.

"do you enjoy being my servant or something?" yangyang asked, confused when the boy took his belongings, but he wasn't complaining.

"my love language. acts of service," hendery nodded, "what's your love language? probably like, being an asshole or something, isnt it?"

yangyang scoffed, "how do you.. know?"

"man, i dunno. you just know, y'know?"

"you're confusing."


"what'd she say?" hendery asked as yangyang walked out of the nurses office with a cup of water and an irritated face. he could tell it wasn't a good outcome, "why're you pissed?"

"i've just gotta walk it of apparently," yangyang repeated the womans words, "she just looked at me."

"what the fuck?" hendery frowned, sitting yangyang back down on a bench, placing his head on the younger boy's forehead, "no that's not right. dude you shouldn't be here, you're burning up."

"i know i shouldn't be here, but what else am i supposed to do?"

"no, come on, i'm gonna talk to them, i need to take you home. you shouldn't be here."

"no, kunhang, stop-" yangyang whined, "i'm fine!"

"come on!"


"hendery, you're supposed to be at school!" the boy's mom scolded him, passing him a mug of tea for yangyang as she rolled her eyes. hendery had let the boy rest in his bed, not the guest bedroom, as it was uncomfortable. his bedroom was just alot more homely, "does he need anything else?"

"nope, unless you think he needs anything else, he'll be fine," hendery smiled, kissing his mom on the cheek before walking upstairs, "thank you!"

"yang-ah!" hendery called out, hearing yangyang groan in response, "i hope you like tea, because i have a massive fucking mug full of it."

"mhm.." yangyang nodded, as hendery sat on the bed near his legs, "i could've gone home.

"you didnt say no to coming back here with me," hendery spoke softly, "genuinely though, if you wanna go to yours, let me know. i'm not gonna force you to stay here."

yangyang smiled with a nod, "i'm comfortable for now, also my mom doesnt know i'm not at school so-"

"yeah exactly. i can drop you off home in a few hours," the two sat in the comfortable silence. as yangyang admired hendery's freakishly big room. the rest of his house was so big too. he knew the boy was wealthy, but not this wealthy, "wanna sleep?"

yangyang nodded, before hendery stood up and sat on his fold out couch in the corner of his room, to let the boy sleep, "let me know if you need anything."



yangyang: im in kunhang's bed

xiaojun: man WHAT

xiaojun: ur both supposed to be at school?! get ur asses back here

yangyang: im sickkkkkk

xiaojun: so you thought "i'll just go to the rich kid's house and sleep in his bed"

yangyang: leave me alone

yangyang: im sleepy i'll explain everything later

xiaojun: yeah you'd better !!!


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