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yangyang was walking alone in the rain, with nothing but a tshirt on. it wasnt too heavy, but it was heavy enough that he was too damp for his liking.

he was speed walking, until he felt a presence behind him, and a jacket put onto his shoulders, "wha- huh?"

"you were looking cold, this'll warm you up," hendery spoke, only for yangyang to sigh, and push off the jacket, "hey!"

yangyang watched the boy catch the jacket with one hand with a smile, "i dont want your jacket."

"well, i dont want you to be cold," he continued, running infront of the younger and zipping up the jacket so it would be harder to take off, "when you dont get sick, you can thank me."

"kunhang~" yangyang whined, fiddling with the zip, getting gradually more and more annoyed. the older watched with pleasure. yangyang looked nice in his jacket, "now you're cold. take it back."

"you're keeping the jacket on," hendery said, knowing that the boy was struggling to take it off, and would give up sooner or later, "you're gonna wear it home and you'll be warm."


"nope! im leaving now!" hendery smiled, crossing the road, "see you tomorrow!"

"are you gonna want this back!?"

"keep it if you like it!"


"who's jacket is that?" yangyang's mom asked as he walked up behind her, hugging her gently, "you got a special man?"

"shit-" yangyang cursed, trying to take the item of clothing off as quick as he could. his mom just looked at him, confused as he struggled, "mom~~ help me~"

she laughed, helping her son unzip it, as it was caught. she took it off and passed it to him, "now, who's jacket is this? because i know for sure it isnt yours. way too fancy to be yours- wait..."

yangyang nodded slowly, throwing the jacket on a chair, "yes, mom. it's hendery's jacket. dont talk about it. i am so close to just laying in a bath of bleach."

"gosh, you are way too dramatic," she chuckled, walking into the kitchen. yangyang followed her like a puppy, "how did you get it in the first place?"

"i dunno, he's in love with me or something?"

"you should invite him over for dinner one day. xiaojun can come too." she teased, as yangyang raised an eyebrow and laughed along.


hendery walked into school the next day, seeing yangyang across the hall, wearing his jacket with a smile as he spoke to xiaojun. he didnt want to interrupt him today, as he got enough pleasure from seeing him wearing his clothing, and being happy.

he walked past him, with a strange warmness in his heart that he hadn't felt before. he was happy.

"hey, kunhang!" he heard the boy shout down the hall. hendery turned his head to face yangyang, smiling at him, "you want this back?"

"nope, keep it!"

hendery then continued to walk with a jump in his step to his first class.

"what the fuck yangy-"

"shut up.. please.. shut up," yangyang groaned, wrapping the slightly larger jacket around his small, cold body, "we're not gonna talk about it. its a cute jacket though, right?"

xiaojun paused for a moment, before examining the back of the jacket with a subtle giggle, "uh, yang..."


"have you looked at the jacket... fully?"

"why...?" yangyang asked worried, as xiaojun traced his finger across some patches on the back of the jacket.

"the jacket has his last name on it..." xiaojun whispered into yangyang's ear, back hugging him teasingly, "the jacket says 'wong'... on the back...."

"shit...." yangyang whined, "well, who cares. we can pretend my name is wong yangyang now."

"that's what it'll be in a few more years," xiaojun winked, getting a punch in the arm from yangyang, "ow~!"


hendery and ten were hanging out in ten's back garden, when hendery remembers he hadn't told ten about the jacket situation yet.

"oh my god," he started, "by the way, i gave him a jacket with my surname on it."

"your... baseball jacket?"

hendery nodded proudly, staring up at the night sky with a proud smile.

"isnt that like... your favourite jacket?" ten raised an eyebrow, "you didnt even let me wear that one!"

"yangyang's special. he could have anything he wants. i'd give him my house if he asked," hendery over reacted, getting a laugh from ten, "what?!"

"you couldnt give him your house, you dont own it."

"oh i'd find a way."

a/n sorry for the delay in the second update 😭😭

but i have more ideas for this one now, so hopefully i update it more regularly!

daddy's boy ~ henyangWhere stories live. Discover now