twenty eight ! together

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After taehyung's sudden confession, i was deeply moved, AH FUCK BEING CALM RIGHT NOW HE CONFESSED SJANDHANDBSKS

well obvi now i need to change the whole plan, I'll have to cancel the flight, tell my father im staying although he wouldn't really question my sudden decision, move the furniture back into the house, bla bla bla and the list continues

But now i just want to focus on me, and taehyung... i want to focus on us ( imagine getting to call you and your crush us )

"jaehyun-aa, im sorry but it seems like i-" before i finished, jaehyun interrupted

"NO GO AHEAD, i have people waiting for me there, you go on with your life here chaeng, with the people you choose" he smiled

From the bottom of my heart,  i truly appreciate jaehyun, really
He was there from the start, we were childhood friends, we went through many things together, words can not describe just how thankful i am for him and everything he did


Taehyung and i decided to just walk to my apartment that at the time i forgot was almost empty except for all the basic furnitures, we walked side by side, honestly im a bit shy you know..

well, yes we've done this before but before, taehyung didn't confess, so now, it's different okay, im even blushing

"are you comfortable walking in those heels? " tae started , pointing at my feet that was reddening as the shoes i was wearing was a bit tighter than usual

"not really, but I'll make it to the apartment" i replied while adjusting my legs position

All of a sudden taehyung got down on one knee with his back facing me, i don't know what he's expecting but, wait a minute

Is he thinking about carrying me?! ON HIS BACK, HAH AS IF i won't be embarrassing myself this time

He looked back at me asked "aren't you getting on? "

Tae honey i want to i do, but it's too embarrassing, i would rather die before he carries me

I replied saying im fine and as i continued walking, i stopped in the middle, looking back at taehyung who was still staring at my feet

He smiled looking into my eyes, probably because he knows why,

yes yes i can't walk comfortably FINE

From walking side by side now he's piggybacking me, my pride and dignity is crushed on the floor every steps he takes

My cheeks reddened as he adjusted his head in a more composed position, which was closer to my face

Well it wasn't just me though, because i think he's blushing too HAHAHA his ears are dead red, we're equal now


ah JWKSHSJNDD, who knew it would be this hard carrying a girl, it's not that carrying chaeng is hard, it's the feeling that comes with it

She's so close, can she hear my heart beating like crazy right now? PLEASE GOD SAVE ME

"im heavy aren't i" she laughed

"nope, you're as light as a feather, and TO ME, THE GREAT ALMIGHTY KIM TAEHYUNG, THIS IS, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING " i bragged


im glad that my sarcastic ass lifted uo the mood up a bit, it's better this way, i mean, this is just the start so it's bound to be awkward at first but we'll go along with it, just like we used to

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