thirteen ! realize

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"is there any way for me to make it up? " taehyung asked, feeling guilty after realizing if she hadn't approached him first he wouldn't even say a word of apology to her

"hmm, what about eating out? since im hungry too" she said

"but didn't your friend say he would cook for you?" he asked again

"that man knows nothing about what he's saying let's just go" she happily went beside him and locked his arms with hers

They walked to a nearby traditional restaurant, it wasn't really busy so they didn't have to wait out

A woman in her mid age approached the two with a tray on her hand

"what would you two like to have?" she friendly asked

"hmm, i don't really know there's many to choose from... what about you tae? " chaeyoung smiled at the man, catching him off guard

"o-oh um, let's have two bowls of jjangmyeon and um, a plate of spicy tteokbokki too, " he pointed at the menu

"oh and two glasses of cold water hehe" chaeyoung joined

"yes sure, please wait as we prepare the foods you two lovebirds" the lady laughed

Chaeyoung and taehyung blushed hearing the lady labelling the two of them lovebirds, chaeyoung laughed at tae's red face while he laughet hers

A few moments, the food was served by another lady, but this time it was a young lady, a girl with your average korean face

"here is youe food and um...
my number" she whispered at tae

As the waitress ran away out embarrassment, taehyung looked st the tissue with the girls number whem chaeyoung took it from him and wiped her mouth, acting as if she even had something on her mouth or anywhere near it

Taehyung laughed at her reddened face and just started eating, to his surprise, chaeyoung was just looking at the food and wasn't eating it

"do you not like jjangmyeon? Im sorry i didn't know, do you want something else?" tae asked

"no," she replied shortly

"oh come on, are you embarrassed, eat up you glutton monster" he laughed, clapping his hands at chaeyoung

"you fucker, oh you know what, what if i suddenly decided NOT to forgive your ass, if only i knew you were going to-" before she ended her sentence, taehyung had a spoonful of noodle with the jjang sauce in front of her mouth

"eat up" he smiled

Rolling her eyes, chaeyoung ended up opening her mouth and ate the noodle fast, she wiped her mouth after and continued eating

"wah, this is really goood" her eyes sparkled

As she continued slurping all the noodles in, taehyung grabbed her front hair that was falling down non stop and chaeyoung would casually stop eating and put her hair behind her ears and continued eating

He grabbed her hair and swirled it, putting them back behind her ears, more neatly as chaeyoung looked at him in awe

"oh please i just don't want your hair to get into the food that im paying for" he ignorantly made an excuse

"oh sure mr-bad-at-acting"

At that moment, chaeyoung smiled bigger than ever, her eyes sparkled like the galaxy and her mouth had sauce all over it

'she's cute'

Fast forward to when chaeyoung arrived home, happy and cheery after taehyung walked her home, she was greeted by stern jaehyun

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