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Here I am still wondering

How can I remember it all?

It's like a tattoo on my brain

Vigorously unshaken and haunted

Those memories of long walks

All tainted with gray colors

The places wrecked on my mind

The long plain road turned rocky

I couldn't glace to any of it

The crashing will come ahead

Stood frozen looking from afar

A wave of void hit abruptly

You don't have to do anything

To make me feel insensible

You have done your part

Now, let me tell you

You already killed me

By filling me with love

Then you swiftly leave

And I'm still dying

This feels like torture

I'm dead but still breathing

The demons still live

Like a curse, I can never escape

Leaving me on the same ground

With nothing but self-doubt

I still blame myself for everything

And there you are with your games

With your very inadequate games

Playing safe was your only breakout

I guess you did it very well

'Cause you seemed to not care anymore

Remind Me To Forget You.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum