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Standing on both sides facing each other

Waiting for the other one to utter a word

But silence is crucially deafening

We let it defeat the both of us

When no one dared to make a move

You left with mysterious feelings

Even the gods couldn't feel it

Even the heart that beats for you couldn't

Suddenly, the blue sky turned dark

Then it started roaring and it cried

I was soaking wet standing still

And my tears washed out by the drops

I was determined to know answers

To put an end to my screaming questions

But no signs that I could feel your presence

The curse of you was the last thing I need

I will always look for you everywhere

With the rain and thunderstorms beneath me

And mud stains on my feet and shoes

With the thorns of roses that's holding me

In the midst of my thoughts and heart

Is determined to reach and find the lost

Even when the world crumbles

Until death will part me from you

Remind Me To Forget You.Where stories live. Discover now