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My friends always ask me

If I still want you

But I'd be lying if I say no

I wish you could say the same

But I'm guessing not

Played the role of being adaptable

I told you what hurts me the most

Explained it to you

And you did it very well

You, going out there mingling

Being a socialite with your friends

Makes me utter a curse

For I am still trapped here

Couldn't show myself publicly

Afraid of judgments

Most of you would say I'm crazy

Couldn't get over a boy

For almost two years

Going after him

And not knowing my worth

Is the total issue

But what can I do?

I couldn't put myself to sleep

Can barely eat a meal in a day

But I'll try to take my shot

Knowing it wouldn't end well

And I hope I won't regret it

Remind Me To Forget You.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن