Me- "yes!"

Jay- "oh she fuck wit chu fuck wit chu"

Me- "and now she not cause y'all decide to keep me out late"

Dad- "you da one that wanna have this grand ass proposal"

Me- "whatever🙄 but what do we do now, cause i doubt she'll go onna trip with her 'cheating ex' "

Phoebe- "whoever house she comes over we'll convince her to go on the trip"

Kay- "knowing her if she goes, she'll get her own room so we'd also convince her to put you on the couch an save money"

Jay- "she also wouldn't talk to you so when you're at the beach that dat, annoy her into looking at chu and you'll be on one knee"

Mom- "you explain this is what you've been doing for the past few months"

Dad- "i'll convince her to do the couple shit wit chu then tell her some shit like really break up with him on the airplane on yall way back or sum"

Me- "that's fucked up pops"

Dad- "you haven't met my petty ass child if you think she wouldn't go along wit that shit"

Me- "i guess but goodnight"

"night" I tossed my phone on the bed and went to the guest room. I heard loud music and crying, she didm't even lock the door.

"get out"

"no" and i sat on the bed and pulled her into me.

"wh'd you do it" and she broke down in my chest

"i didn't mama, it's not what you think it is, i promise you it's not" I said softly and kissed the top of her head. She didn't say anything back so she's sleep.

I held her a little longer then laid her down and left the room.


I got up before him and crept into our room to get my bag. He started waking up but I wasn't paying attention.

"mama can you please put the bag down"

"no. i told myself i wouldn't be with another man that cheats on me"

"i'm not cheating on you"

"then what the fuck is it cameron" I semi yelled turning around to see him shirtless


"i can't tell you, but please.put the ring back on"

"absolutly not" and I walked out and got in my car going to my parents house.

When I got there Jordan opened the door.

"hey la- you ok"

"i'm fine, momma and deddy hea"

"yea in dey room" I put my bag down and went to their room, as soon as I got in there I started crying.

Mom- "aww baby" and she opened her arms.

Me- "why'd he do it, i though-"

Mom- "shh shh, it's ok" she let me cry but when I stopped he brought my head up.

Mom- "i don't think he's cheating honey"

Me- "he is momma"

Dad- "with who"

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