Ichika's First Move

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A/N: Timeline Y2-5, Back at school.

Chapter description:

After a long hectic battle in the island the students were now back in school,
Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, after getting phenomenal results has gathered the attention of all years.

Seeing this chance, Amasawa Ichika made her move the very first day of their return.






Amasawa Ichika's POV

Class is back and lively, to say the best

Class-A barely held on the special exam due to my and Kiyo-senpai's results.

Even with some rough calculations, This class was likely to fall in either C, or the worst outcome, Class D.

It's not that the one leading it is incompetent himself.

(A/N: who was it again?)

I feel bad but, My class' leader can't compete with the likes of Tsubaki and Yagami.

Before the special exam started most of my classmates would either glare at me in hostility or pure curiosity, Maybe lust from the boys too~

I genuinely couldn't care less what they thought but now, The bad image that they had in their minds are gone.

It's not impossible for them to think I'd cooperate in the future too... Not that I would :×


Thankfully I needn't wait any longer, The bell signaled the end of class as the teacher bids his farewell.

Without missing a beat, I stood up from my seat quite energetically. Hopefully it showed on my face as usual.

Hearing the sounds of my chair, Some of them threw curious glances, some didn't really care.

I paid no attention to them, opening the door with a grin plastered on my face.

"What kind of teasing would work on him, I wonder~?" They were a rare breed, But teasing don't work on some males and female alike. Kiyo-senpai just happen to be one of those

It's a fact we know why he shows no emotions but... After more than 2 years here, I expected at least a hint of something, He even has someone to directly learn emotions, Yet I couldn't sense nor read any kind of emotion any and every time we meet. To be fair I'm not an esper but if Kiyo-senpai is just hiding it then he deserves an Oscar award.

Pity, Empathy, I didn't feel any of those. He didn't particularly need nor want any if we're speaking in his perspective.

Freedom -> Enrolling-> He wants to learn emotions -> Getting a textbook-girlfriend

"Has there been amy progress in their relationship?" I asked myself that question, As I smoothly jump up and over the stairs.

Taking the elevator would take too much time, hence I decided to take the stairs.

It's unlikely for Kiyo-senpai to go back to his dorms early since I expect his classmates to confront him about the recent special exam.

I did one last hop right after I arrived at their specified floor, I didn't count but I expect the time I spent dashing to be a few minutes or two.

The door to their class was partially open but hearing the voices, It's possible most of them are inside.

I peek through the said hole and saw Kiyo-senpai sitting on his seat like there's nothing going on. Even though he was surrounded he looked like he could care less.

classroom of the elite oneshotsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat