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Psycho Massacre, 7 years ago

A brown haired boy sat in a room, playing with his fingers. There was a window in front of him, but he couldn't see the other side. A man in a lab coat walked into the room, nothing in hand.. When the boy saw him, he became scared. The man's eyes were empty as he looked at the boy, like he was an uninteresting object. "Kiyotaka." The man spoke, sending shivers down the boy's spine. "Y-Yes, father?" Kiyotaka nervously responded. This was different from the normal Kiyotaka. He would usually be all smiles, cheering up other children. But when his father was around, that happy child disappeared. "You barely passed your tests." The father spoke, his voice becoming colder. Kiyotaka wasn't doing bad in regular standards, but he wasn't in a normal place. This wasn't a school, but more of a facility that he's sitting in. "I-I'm sorry father but-" He was cut off with a strong slap to the face. "Do you know how embarrassing it is, to have a failure of a son?! Every other week I have to say the same thing over and over again!" He bellowed, becoming irritated. His frustrations were justified, in a sense. If your son was failing school, you'd probably be somewhat mad. "T-The tests are too hard for me. I tried my best, but I just can't do it." Kiyotaka said, his voice becoming lower each sentence. The father rubbed his forehead, and sighed. "I'm fed up with your excuses. No wonder your mother left us, you can't do anything right!" He barked. The boy sat there in shock, tears flowing down his face.




'Why am I at fault?'


'I tried my hardest....'


'But it's never enough, not for him.'



The man begin to walk away, attempting to leave the room. Suddenly, the door closed, and the room began to darken, with a light emitting from the man's son. "W-What are you? Where's my son?" The man said, terrified of the thing in front of him. He was going to speak again, but quickly was choked, and then slammed to the ground. "Ack!" The entity then sliced his neck off, leaving him dead on the floor. That day, the boy killed everyone in the facility. When the police came in, they found dead bodies sprawled across the floor, varying from children to adults. This was the massacre that created a psycho.


Kiyotaka Ayanokouji was now on the bus to his new school, ANHS. An elderly lady came onto the bus, and didn't know where to sit. A lady decided to help her, and asked around for a seat. She eventually landed on a blond boy with my uniform, sitting in the middle of the bus. "Um, can you give your seat to this elderly lady?" The woman asked, awaiting his answer. "And why should I do that?" He shot back, basically saying no. "You'd be contributing to society." She said, a bit annoyed. "I'm sorry, but I have no interest in contributing to society." He said, picking up a mirror. He styled his hair, completely ignoring the woman. She was clearly mad, and was about to yell at him before a brown haired girl in the same uniform came up to help. "Could you please hand over your seat to the elderly lady? It would really be helpful." The girl asked. Her looks were good enough to the point that any boy would bend to her will. This was their best bet if they wanted to get the seat. "I'm quite popular with the ladies today, huh? Well, you get the same answer. I'm not going to help." He said, ending the discussion. The girl looked discouraged, and the lady looked like she wanted to kill him. "I'll give her my seat!" Someone yelled out from the back. And just like that, the issue was resolved. I couldn't help but notice a girl near the back, reading a book during the whole situation. She seemed uninterested, and was focusing on her book the entire time. As I was staring, she looked up and caught me looking at her. I quickly avoided her gaze. The bus finally stopped, and I was free to go. I could finally move on to this new school and have my own freedom, for at least 3 years. I took the steps up to the school entrance, only to be interrupted by a single voice. "Wait!" I hear a voice scream out. It sounded feminine. I looked behind me, and the girl I was looking at earlier was there. "Why were you staring at me on the bus?" She asked. "I got curious since you seemed uninterested in the situation, just like me." I answer. "Don't assume me and you are the same. I purely saw no benefit in giving up my seat." She shot back. Doesn't that make you worse? She continued. "If that's all, then I'm leaving." The black-haired girl walked away, leaving me in front of entrance, alone. I hadn't even entered the school and someone was already my enemy. Quite unfortunate, if you ask me.

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