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Leona woke up, fixed herself up and settled on playing some games since she didn't have anything else to do really. Just after few rounds of deathmatch she reminded herself that she had to call Taric to inquire about what to do with her computer, whether to bring it or sell it or whatever.

She unlocked her phone and dialled the number Taric gave her in the email. Her call was picked up almost instantly.

"Hello Taric, I have..." Leona got cut off "Before you say anything else, let me inform you that Taric was... unaware he was giving you my phone number instead of his. So hello, you must be Leona, my name is Diana, what can I help you with?" Diana's voice sounded cold and calm, almost bored. "Oh uhhh... I wanted to ask umm... About my computer... What do I do with it?" Leona never felt more nervous, she was talking to **this** Diana, the one and only star of her favorite team she was gonna become part of.

"Wow, Taric was right about saying you're a but overwhelmed with everything, I would even say you're more than just overwhelmed. Anyway don't worry, Taric will handle your computer as well as your current accomodation and stuff. You'll get new computer when you'll arrive here." Diana seemed unfazed by Leona being on verge of freaking out on spot. "THANK YOU DIANA GOODBYE" She basically shouted the last sentence and instantly hung up. He could feel heart pounding. That voice of hers, the way she pronounced her name. Adding that to Diana's appearance... Leona snapped out of trance What was she thinking about? She would never think something like that about her idol, let alone co-worker.

Meanwhile Diana was just lightly chuckling at Leona's timidness. She knew it wasn't her real attitude and it was all because of her being the star of the team that Leona claimed to be a big fan of. She said it herself after all, when she was examined by Diana in the last part of the recruitment. But of course, Leona didn't know that, and surely still hadn't realized it yet.


Leona couldn't sleep, waiting for the next day to come. She was told someone will pick her up from her flat around 11 AM. Currently, it was 5 in the morning. Leona still decided to get up, since she wasn't gonna get any sleep anyway, and settled on some morning coffee while watching the sunrise. She loved watching sunrises, as well as sunsets for that matter. There wasn't particular reason for that, she just thought of it as beautiful and soothing experience.

After those few hours of nothing but waiting the time had come and Leona heard knocks on her door. She opened it to see a man in a suit. "Miss Leona Solari?" The man asked "Yes it's me, what's the matter?" Leona tried to answer as calmly as she could. "I am here to take you to the airport for your flight to Barcelona to join the team there."

"Just give me 2 minutes, I'll just check everything and I'll be coming, you can come in if you want" Leona tried to hide her excitement, but judging from the man's expression, she failed miserably. "No need, I'll wait outside." Leona was quick with checking everything, picking everything she needed, which was her suitcase and her backpack. No furniture belonged to her, and she left her computer taking only the hard drive from it. "Okay, I am ready to go."

The man guided to her to his car and drove her to the airport. Then he gave her the ticket, bid her goodbye and left. This was the second time Leona was going to attend a flight, the first one being the time she arrived in Seville, running away from her parents. The flight itself was uneventful, as Leona slept it through, waking up to plane landing in Barcelona. After leaving the plane, she found herself in the middle of the airport, not knowing where to go, until...

"Leona!" She heard someone shouting, someone with voice incredibly similar to Taric's. Heck, it was Taric, right in front of her. "Good afternoon Taric, it's pleasure to meet you in person." Taric rolled his eyes half-heartedly "C'mon Leona, don't make me feel any older than I am! Let's just get out of here, it's pretty crowded place isn't it?"

They left the airport and went to the parking lot. "Well, if you expected limo or something to drive us from here, it won't happen, we have to deal with it ourselves. The organization kinda doesn't care about us as much as others do, but personally I don't care, do you?" Taric said that last sentence in a joking manner, but Leona deep inside knew he was being serious. "No, I don't think I care either, does it mean you live in some random apartment though?" Leona asked

"Nah, you actually have quite nice household to live in, and here I think is a good time to introduce you the team. You already know me, team's 'coach', but that's more of a title than real position, as I don't even live or train with you all at your penthouse. The real coach and In-game leader is Atreus 'Pantheon' Agonistas. He's a really cool guy, I feel you will easily get along. There are also Kayle 'JFA' Divinicci alongsideher sister Morgana 'FaLLenAngel' Divinicci, our entry-fragger and utility support respectively. As much as they pretend to hate each other publicly, they have a really close relationship with each other, but I think you'll easily see friends in them. And last but surely not least, our so called star which I don't deny, Diana 'MoonVengeance' Lunari. Even tho I have known her for past 3 years, I've never been close friend to her, neither was the rest of our teammates, maybe you'll be able to get to her, I don't know. Anyway we're heeeere~" He ended his monologue in sing-song manner.

It definitely was a lot to process for Leona but she was trying as much as she could to remember everything he said. She had questions though that Taric probably couldn't answer. What did he mean by that Diana never was close to anyone in the team? Did he mean as friends or...

"You're not coming in with me?" Leona asked "No, I have a lot to do, I might come later or tomorrow, we'll see, anyway, see you later Leona!" And he left. Just like that, in front of a real mansion, she was left not knowing what to do. So she settled on ringing the intercom.


A/N: Literally the longest chapter so far. Initially I was about to just do another part of phone call between Leona and Taric, but suddenly I got this brilliant (in my opinion) idea of first talk between the girls, and I think it worked out pretty well.

Anyway thanks for reading I guess, drink water

The Risingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें