Chapter 39 ~ To Break It

Start from the beginning

Again and again we struck for quick attacks. Tomàs stood his ground, proving my swift nips and jabs would do little to effect him, but he was beginning to tire of constantly having to avoid the brunt of my attacks. Aiming for his soft underbelly, he twisted so I got a mouthful of fur, offering thick hindquarters instead of another chance at his legs or other vulnerable spots.

I didn't move away quickly enough. Rearing up, his weight came crushing down on me and my legs shook with the effort it took not to buckle beneath him. If I crumbled with him on top, I wouldn't be getting back up. In a last attempt to free myself, I dropped my front and pushed with my hind legs so Tomàs' mass toppled over my shoulder, his claws catching the back of my neck as he scrambled for purchase.

We fell apart both out of breath. A snarl of irritation tore from his lips, muzzle crinkled and eyes narrowed as he stomped massive paws. The Alpha had had enough.

He moved suddenly, leaving the safety of quick attacks to put an end to this.

My tail swished to keep balance when he threw himself at me, and this time I met him head on. Rearing up, claws raked across wherever they could, even if fur was too thick to do damage. The sickening sound of fangs and talons slicing through flesh, wet and tearing, filled the air along side heavy pants. No energy for growls now, every ounce of energy was focussed on the fight.

Sharp teeth gripped just below my shoulder and I decided to brace myself against the pain and take a shot for his throat. As soon as he felt my weight shift, Tàmas released me, hind legs pushing him forward and throwing me away while he quickly backtracked.

Panting hard, I rolled my injured shoulder, feeling the muscle twinge in protest. Tomàs grunted, pulling back his lips so I could see my blood coating his teeth.

A small victory.

His side's heaved, betraying that he was beginning to run out of stamina, and while my limbs trembled, protesting at being put through so much abuse too soon, I remained steady on my paws.

For a moment while we analysed each other, instincts pulled back enough to allow me to glance over at where my parents stood. A healthy dose of concern etched their features, but Dad lifted his chin when our eyes met, and he gave me a stiff nod. Approval? Perhaps not. But I'd thrown myself into this fight and I knew he wouldn't see me stumble now.

Ebbe's sweet wildflower scent invaded my senses too and though I couldn't allow myself to turn to see him, I knew he was silently urging me on. I could feel his gaze on me, knowing he would be noting every new injury I came away with.

A seed of doubt sprouted in my thoughts. If I won this, and another Alpha, Joshua perhaps, decided to try and put me in my place, I wasn't sure I could hold up. My gaze flicked to Gordon, who's expression was pinched and eyes a swirling sea of aqua. What if he couldn't forgive me for challenging his grandfather? What if my own pack decided I'd taken things too far?

I shook my head, reminding myself that this was my right. But that moment of distraction cost me.

Tomàs wasn't as tired as he made out. The raging Alpha picked his perfect moment to barrel with the force of a bull into my side, knocking me clean of my paws. I tumbled through the air, the house and faces blurring around me, spinning until I rolled to an abrupt stop by one of the benches. The crack as my back hit wood was enough to knock the air from my lungs, a band pulling so tight around my ribs that I choked and gasped, fur threatening to give to skin as pure panic took over.

Every breath was forced to a stop in my throat and I threw my head back, wriggling where I lay to try and ease the pressure.

Through blurred vision, a mass of grey prowled closer.

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