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Lale then woke up and was panting from her dream. She quickly reached to her night stand for some water. It was a some- what sunny day in her town. She was staying in a shared home with her friends Cora, Audrey , Louis and Paul.

Lale heard a knock on her bedroom door , it was Paul.

"Come in." She says taking another sip of water and still panting.

"Bonjour Lale." Says Paul opening the door.

He then soon sees the worry and frown on Lale's face and soon comes in, towards her.

She did not say anything back , you could tell that Lale looked very sad and worried.

"What's wrong Lale?" Asked Paul sitting down near her, placing his hands on her checks.

"I just can't get over it." She says.

"Oh no honey, the dream again ."

"Yes i just can't forget it. The way my sister passed away . The sad part about it is that , when i had asked the doctors and police what was the cause  of death, no one gave me a clear answer. It's like everyone else knew something about my sister's death that me nor her mother even knew. And when she past away, it wasn't easy for us, me and my mother. Stevie was the only person providing for the family. Without my ex-boyfriend we would be practically living on the streets. But his family's help and the help that he himself was offering wasn't enough. That is why i felt victim to do a very tragic and bad thing." Explained Lale.

"Well i am sure whatever you did was for a reason." Says Paul, putting Lale's hair behind her ear.

"I had no choice Paul , i didn't." Says Lale now throwing her arms around Paul's shoulders in a hug.

"Hey , hey , i got you . It's alright " Says Paul , holding her back.

After a while they both let go.  Paul then looked at Lale's eyes and wiped her tears away.

"There , see, much better. No?"

Lale just laughs.

"Hey are you guys ready-" Says Louis  interrupting them.

"Oh i am so sorry i , the couple we have all been waiting for. We have to leave now,  NOW , get your suitcases. The new house isn't  waiting for us, we've been waiting for it.." Says Louis  . They all were shifting to a new house and Louis was rather excited to be there.

Paul then gets up from the bed that he was seated on and walks towards the door.

"We aren't a couple." He says going up to Louis.

"At least ...Not yet." He added giving Lale a wink and leaving her room with Louis.

After an hour or so Lale and everyone else came down stairs with their suitcases and loaded them in the van that this friend group owned. They all then set off to the new house.

On the way , Lale couldn't help but be sad. She then came to conclusions for Stevie's cause of death.

Was it ,

Hallucination.....Not that much.

The hallucination not that much.Where stories live. Discover now