When the knife of love stabs

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That evening at 5pm sharp, Andrew came to visit Max in the hospital he worked in.

"Hi, i am here to see max, he is a fellow doctor that works here?" says Andrew to the hospital receptionist that he saw as soon as the entered the complex of the hospital.

"Yes sir, he just went in for a surgery at the moment. He will be done in about two hours." Says the hospital receptionist.

"Okay , i shall be back in two hours , thank you. Please do tell Max that Andrew Jones would like to speak to him." says Andrew rocking the charming and sweet smile that he had .

Meanwhile Andrew just thought of exploring the streets of Italy until then for two hours.

Stopping for a snack at a pizzeria.

"I shall have a plain , simple  Margherita , thank you." He says to the server.

"Sure thing."

As he ate , the pizza he ordered , the thought of replying to a few emails and other calls from the church.

Stopping every once in a way between the calls, by how delicious the pizza was.

It was 6:50pm when he left for the hospital again.

He reaches the hospital and sees  the same hospital receptionist , who was now just reading a few files.

"Hi, yes, Max?" Asks Andrew.

"Oh hello again, sir Max is this way....Follow me please." She said getting up and leading Andrew to a somewhat small looking room.

"Sir max this is Andrew , he wanted to talk to you." She says opening the door.

Max was just writing something .

"Yes, yes, come in." Says Max to Andrew , Andrew doing as told.

"If you don't mind could you please-" Added Max.

"Oh yes of course." Says the receptionist  , closing the door and leaving back for her table.

"You were here at five, no?" Asks Max.

"Yes , you were performing a surgery , so i thought why not explore Italy for a bit. " says Andrew.

"You are not from Italy?" Asked Max.

"No, London. Max i'm sorry , if you do not mind, could we just get to the reason why i am here already?" Says Andrew.

" no problem , yeah." Says Max.

"Okay so i heard that you have a friend called um, Stevie. When you and Stevie were on the train back from London to Italy , something happened to her right?" Says Andrew

"Yes, but how do you know about it?" Asked Max .

"The agent who you went to, also who was assigned for this case, contacted the head council at the church that i work in and were willing to work on it. Of course father Rafael, could not come himself , so i was chosen." Says Andrew.

"Wait just one minutes now!! You are a priest? I did not know , i mean you look like-"

"Yeah, i face that a lot in my area of work. Yes i have tattoos, piercings and medium length hair and i am a priest. Could we get to business now?" Says Andrew . He sounded angry , by his words but looked really clam by his facial expression. He was in fact a very calm person, and it was what is expected of him because of his chosen career path.

The hallucination not that much.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora