"I guess," I say waddling out.

I didn't talk to anyone as I walked back, I was mad. I was pissed in fact, he played us like we weren't even people.

What a dick! I was walking when I realized something. I haven't seen Jenn since my battle. I stop and look where the others are. They looked confused as I looked around frantically

"Where is Jenn?" I ask. Everyone looks around and their eyes go wide. Jenn is nowhere in sight. I go into my friend list to see if I could maybe locate her but I can't. What the hell is going on?

"Ok, we need to split up," Jam says as we all go separate ways

I looked everywhere, and I mean everywhere. I looked until it was dark out, then all of us returned to the guildhall to see if maybe she was there. Well....she wasn't

We all figured it would be pointless to look during the night so we all went to sleep quietly.

The next day I was out bright and early. But sadly my search didn't yield any results. It was getting dark out again and still no Jenn.

Another night went without Jenn in the guildhall. I couldn't sleep, I just laid there not able to sleep. I hear my door crack open and I shoot off my bed

"Jenn!" I yell out as I spring forward

"No, it's Liz. Although I wish it was Jenn" Liz says as my bedroom lights turn on.

"What brings you here in the middle of the night?" I ask

"With Jenn gone, I feel really lonely by myself," Liz says a little ashamed

"Ah, so you want me to keep you company?" I ask

"That was the idea, but I can leav--" Liz says turning around

"No it's fine, I have a wide-open space on my bed that's calling your name," I say trying to be cheerful

Liz smiles a little and curls up in bed with me.

"Lights on or off?" I ask

"You won't do anything right?" Liz says cutely

"No promises" I reply with a sly smirk

"I trust you," She says as the room becomes dark.

Liz was asleep almost instantly if I had to guess, she probably didn't get any sleep last night as well. I wrap my arms around her warm body and sleep finally captured my fatigue.


I wake up from an alarm going off. I stumble around trying to hit my alarm clock....only to hit a wooden shelf beside my bed. Where the fuck is that sound coming from?

I'm fully awake looking around my room, only to remember I don't have an alarm clock in SAO. I open my menu and sure enough, I have a message from Asuna.

I open and read the contents, as I finish I launch out of my bed and equip all my gear

Asuna says that she thinks Kirito is in trouble.

I guess he was undergoing a training evaluation, and he had been stopped at a place for longer than usual and a guy disappeared.

I headed to the location Asuna sent me. I was running on top of a ravine, I sprinted until I could see three people at the bottom. I could see a white blur I'm assuming Asuna fighting someone. Behind her laid another white figured not moving.....no way that's Kirito.....not enough black.

As I get closer I can see that Asuna has the one guy pinned down. I'm guessing he gave up because Asuna lowered her sword. Suddenly he attacks her and flings her weapon away. I start my rumble skill and I appear before him in a blink of a eye . His face went from cockiness to surprise quicker then I could move

"Hi there, hope you don't have anyone you care about, because if you do, I'll do you a favour and send them to hell with ya," I say as I ready my Longsword

"No, I don't wann-" he says with a scared face

"Won't work" I say as I heave my sword forward. My sword hit his neck....cutting it clean off. His body fell and shattered, I could see another guy behind him.

He was about 20 meters away and he had a little girl with him

"You want her back right?" A familiar voice says

As I look harder, I see the person is Bildo, and he had Jenn with his dagger against her.

"Don't you move you bastard!" He yells out. I listen to him and I don't move.

"If you want this girly back, you need to kill yourself," he declares

"Ok...ok...ok just stay calm," I tell the guy.

"You'll let Jenn go if I die right?" I ask him

"Yea, I will," He says somewhat honestly

"Ok," I say uneasily as I raise my sword over my body

"Now die!" He yells as I swing my sword toward my body.

Suddenly a sword comes flying and knocks my sword out of my hands.

It didn't lose any speed as it went straight to Bildo. He didn't have any time to react as the handle hit him square in the head.

The hit knocked him out and let Jenn go. Jenn ran to me while crying, and I did the only reasonable thing. Once she reached me, she hugged me and I hugged back. Finally, I found her after two days of pure searching.

I could hear someone else running toward us and I turn around to see who. Running at full speed is Liz, once she gets close enough she leaps in the air and wraps her arms around both me and Jenn.

"Your ok!" Liz shouts out

Jenn just hugs back while crying.

"You won't mind right?" Jenn asks out of the blue

"Mind what?" Liz asks holding on to Jenn tighter

"If I call you mommy?" Jenn says innocently

"Of course you can," Liz says sweetly

"Mommy!" Jenn says as she cries

"It's going to be alright, your safe" Liz says comforting Jenn.

A crying fest continued as I was in the middle of it all. In the corner of my eye I can see Kirito and Asuna kiss, the black swordsmen finally got it. Or should I say flashy swordsmen.....those bright colours don't suit him at all!

Kirito was wearing a white uniform...odd fashion choice for the Black Swordsmen.

Eventually, Liz and Jenn let go of their death grips on me and I was set free

"Back to the guild?" I ask them

"Back to the guild" they both answer

We walk back to the guild, and on the trip there all I could think of is the two most important people of my life are safe and sound.

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