Tournament: Creep

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Floor 75: Collinia

The tournament to free Asuna from the Knights of the blood oath is about to start.

As Asuna assumed, she is competing against us. The first round is about to start and I was the first one to fight. I guess my opponent is someone Heathcliff chose, I'm sure he will put up a good fight.

I was in the waiting room with Liz and Kirito. Kirito seemed a little on edge and Liz was sleeping on my shoulder. She had been levelling all night so she didn't get much sleep.

She looked so cute. I brushed her hair as she snuggled up to warmed my heart that we finally tied the knot.

"Let's do this" I whisper to Kirito

Kirito snapped out of his mind and nodded.

I slowly lifted Liz's head off my shoulder and laid it softly on a blanket that I took out of my inventory. As I leave the room and go to the arena I felt someone run into my leg and wrap their arms around it.

"Good luck," I hear an adorable voice say

"thank you, Jenn," I say patting her head

She makes a cute sound and I continue.

When I enter the arena I see an average-sized guy waiting for me. As I get closer I see he has black hair and a camo outfit. I couldn't see any visible weapons

"Finally," He says with venom in his voice

"Umm?" I ask him as he stares wickedly at me. What is this guys problem?

He smiles and says, "this battle will decide who is worthy"

"yea and I'll kick your ass," I say not really knowing what he is talking about.

I send him an invite to a duel and see his name is Bildo. I start laughing hard which only fuels his anger

"who choose your username...." I laugh between words.

"Listen you little shit," he yells as the count down starts.

I finally noticed that the grandstands are packed. This is expected when I think about it. First off you have me, the Lightning Swordsmen...who came back alive after the floor 74 boss fight.

Then after you have Lightning Flash Asuna plus another member of MindSwords.

Then after that we Heathcliff and The Black Swordsman.

The count down hits 0 and the crowd goes wild as Bildo disappears.

I just stand there a bit confused until my gut tells me to crouch. I crouch and see a fist sail above me.

This is gonna be a lot harder then I thought. I push off one foot and dash to the side to make some distance between us. When I looked back to where he should be I don't see him

I start a quick flash and travel about 20 meters in a second. As the cooldown starts I scan for him to finally see that he has been stalled, and has his eyes covered with his hands. I start sprinting toward him once the cooldown time is done.

By the time I reach him he has recovered, but it was too late. I had my longsword out and had a slash skill going already. The sword hit him cleanly and he was pushed 5 meters away. I see his health is about to enter the yellow zone. He disappears once again and I respond by using my own trick.

I start my skill called Appearing flash and see the trick to his disappearing. Unlike me, he actually uses a teleport skill instead of pure speed. He looks around confused and I strike.

Little did I know it was a trap. Up till now, he had no weapons, now he has a dagger....and I was heading straight toward it. I tried to avoid it but I was going to fast. The dagger stabbed my chest as Bildo smiled wickedly

"shes mine now," He says

I jump away which clears the dagger out of my chest.

"who are you talking about?" I ask as my health almost goes into the yellow.

"you don't know? It's the divine goddess Liz!" he spouts out.

"Goddess....well I guess your right... But seriously dude" I talk to him with a smirk

"Seriously, you don't deserve her you mongrel" he insults me

"well this mongrel got in her pants" I tease him.

Me and Liz actually haven't done anything of the sort.

"haven't you seen Jenn? She is evidence of our love!" I continue teasing

"WHY YOU!" he yells pissed off

He disappears and appears behind just like I guess. I engage Invisible blade and turn around. I can see his face when he can't see my sword

"checkmate bitch!" I say has my sword hits him and he gets launched across the arena. It was like an explosion, the sword hit him and he literally flew to the other side of the arena.

"Liz is mine...not for your worshipping" I declare.

I put my sword away and head back to the room as I return I see Liz walking out for her fight.

"go get em," I tell her as we fist bump.

"I will," she says

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