Mrs. Kimberly

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"Hello Mrs. Kimberly," I say with a faint smile

"Hello (Y/N), shouldn't you be in school right about now?" She asks with a puzzled face as she looks at Kate

"What's your name?" She asks Kate

"It's Kate, ma'am" she answers

"No need to be so formal, call me Linda and you look terrible, come on in and I'll fetch something for you to drink, while I do that. You should go to the bathroom and clean up," Mrs. Kimberly says with a kind smile. Kate looks away shyly.

"She won't bite," I tease her

"Fine," Kate says quietly

We enter the house and Kate goes to the bathroom.

"what happened?" Mrs. Kimberly asks as she makes tea

"Long story," I say

"Why did you come here? Is not that I mind, it's just I didn't expect it," She tells me

"Listen, Kate is all alone in this world, up till today, she had no one...she is an SAO survivor like me. Her whole family died in that game. I know it's a long shot, and you'll probably say no. But can you take care of Kate? I can't describe how much I care about her, I really can't. And I think this house is the perfect place for her. Will you please consider adopting her. I'll be honest, I love her so much that I would throw the whole world away to save her," I say to Mrs. Kimberly earnestly

She continues making tea with a smile,"(Y/N) one of your very unique traits is that you care for others too much. You don't see that often nowadays. Just seeing you standing at the door with that poor girl's hand in yours, I knew what was up." She says as she passes me a cup of tea

"Thank you," I say looking down

"I'll talk to my husband and Haily about it, but I see no reason to say no," she says

I was shocked in surprised, she had actually said yes.

"Thank you, thank you so much for agreeing to take care of the woman I love," I say as she smirks

"Don't get teary-eyed on me, it's not official," she says with a smile

"Ok," I say smirking

Kate finally entered the kitchen and Mrs. Kimberly handed her a cup of tea

"Thank you," Kate says quietly

"Anything for (Y/N)s girlfriend," Mrs. Kimberly says with an innocent smile. I spat out my tea and looked at her.

"What? You're not going out?" She asks

"Yes, and no," I say a bit confused not really knowing myself

"Yes," Kate blurts out

This took me from surprise a bit,

"How romantic," Mrs. Kimberly says as both me and Kate turn pink.

"Hey mom, I'm heading ou--," Haily says before walking in the kitchen

"(Y/N)! What are you doing here!?" Haily says

"Yo," I say with nothing to add

"That's some fine description," she mutters

"Quality stuff," I reply

"Who are you?" Haily asks Kate politely

Mrs. Kimberly smiles and starts the teasing," your new adopted sister," she drops the bomb on both of them at the same time.

Mrs. Kimberly is without a doubt, the person who inspired me to tease everyone so much in SAO. She is honestly the teasing master

Kate looks at me with mixed emotions. The first one was "What are you doing, you didn't talk about this' and the other "Is this really happening?"

"Kate you have that look on your face. (Y/N) explained the situation, he is like a 2nd son to me. The way he talked about you tells me everything I need to know," Mrs. Kimberly says to Kate

"Are you sure? You'll be adopting someone like me?" Kate says surprised

"I'm not sure if you knew him, but my son, Max, was in SAO. And if (Y/N) hasn't talked about him to you, he is dead. It's been different around the house without him. So I think a new member of the family might just fix that," she says with a grin.

Kate looks at me then looks to Mrs. Kimberly," I don't know what to say, but I have a feeling this a chance that I won't get again." Kate adds

We hear a thud from where Haily was standing. We all look to see she is passed out cold

"Night," I say to her as she slumps on the ground

"Are we not going to help her?" Kate asks worried

"Na, she does that all the time, if you touch her you should expect to be bitten," I say like nothing is wrong.

"Anyway, yes I mean what I say, we are going to adopt you, if (Y/N) likes you then I'm sure we will too," Mrs. Kimberly says.

"Thank you," Kate says quietly

"Just need to fill out a couple of forms and bang all done," Mrs. Kimberly says underestimating what she will have to do

Kate starts crying and we leave her alone to gather her thoughts. As this happens, Haily gets up again and walks back to her room without saying a word.

"Come on, let's go to your orphanage," Mrs. Kimberly says

Kate nods and we leave the house.

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