"Hey sexy mama." Chandra said as I stepped into VIP.

"Well don't you two ladies look good." I said to her and Ms.Sheila.

I saw August in the cut with some random all in his face, I guess it was the person he was on the phone with earlier. He looked up and our eyes met before they scanned my body. I looked away and went and got me a few drinks before heading to the dance floor.
I was having a good time and dancing on any and everybody. I didnt want to twerk my tampon out so I just did a little grind on a complete stranger, but it was all in fun so I didn't mind.
"Damn lil mama, we been dancing all night and I still havent caught your name." He said as we danced.
"Camila, yours?"
"Everybody call me Ace."
"Yeah." He said smiling big showing off his grill.
"So let me guess you sell drugs?"
"I slang a lil here and there."
I knew it.
I was about to say something back until August pulled me by my arm, "Let me holla at cha." He said not even giving me a chance to say anything.

"What?" I asked as we stood in front of the bathrooms away from the crowd.

"You think you being cute huh?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I see ya, dancin' all on that nigga, you gon' let em fuck like you let me after you had a few drinks in ya system?" He asked getting into my face.
I could smell the alcohol.

"Watch your mouth! You acting like I can't have fun.I'm grown, remember. Go entertain your friend." I said walking off only to be jerked back.

"You getting real jazzy, watch it lil lady." He threatened.

"Or what? You going to send me back home?

"Keep talkin' that big shit and you goin' find out." He said pulling up his pants.

"Right. You should stop worrying about me for once." I walked off.

The rest of the night I chilled, I gave Ace and a couple other guys conversation, but nothing major. August was too busy drinking his life away. I was beginning to become tired so I decided to leave. I took another shower when I got back to the room. I stayed in longer than usual. I got out drying off and putting on my shorts and a long shirt.

I walked out the bathroom, jumping at the sight of August sitting on the edge of the bed.
"How did you get in here?"

"My name is on the bill."

"Why you here? And are you high?" I asked stepping closer seeing his red eyes.

"I got alot shit on my mind." He said staring down at the floor.

"Is this about Mel?"
He simply nodded his head

"Talk to me." I said holding his hand. There was a long pause before he spoke again," Why they had to do my brudda like that man? He was a good nigga." He said as a tear escaped his eyes. I felt so bad for him because I'd never seen him so vulnerable.

"Were you there when it happened?" I moved closer to him.

"Nahh, I was fuckin' sleep and the day go by and uhh I wake up and I got like 30 missed calls on my shit and uhh, shit I woke up and I called my cousin back and was like man what's up ya heard meh?" There was another long pause as he took a deep breath and tapped his legs. "And the nigga, nigga tol' me somebody kilt my brotha man." He broke down crying and it was only a matter of seconds before I was crying as well. I just held him as he cried and vent to me.

"So from that point on it was always like man...you gotta...it's eitha' this or that, and a nigga can't chose that route ya heard meh? Somebody gotta survive, so that's what it was." He wiped his face, looking at me.

"Everything happens for a reason August, but you have to be strong and continue to make him proud, you have three little angels looking up to you now."

The rest of the night we just talked. I learned that August and his mom's relationship was never perfect and that he was even homeless at one point, sleeping in the back of a corner store called Quick n Easy to his father and step dad battling their drug addictions. He was way more stronger than I was to have made it this far with everything he's been through.
I woke up in August long arms wrapped around me. I saw a different side of him last night, and I just wanted to let him know that I'll always be here for him. I turned over to face him, he was still sleeping. I couldn't help but to smile at how cute he was.

"Whatcha cheesing at?" He asked.

"You, now get up so we can go eat and get home, I'm missing my bed and best friend." I said getting up.

I went into the bathroom to do my business, once I was finished I hopped into the shower, I kept it simple today and dressed in blue jeans, long sleeve shirt and ugg boots. I packed up all my belongings and doubled checked to make sure I didn't leave anything behind.
"You still not finished?" I asked Aug as I stepped into his hotel suite.

"Nahh, you goin' help me finish packing?" He asked.


"Grab all that ova thea'." He said pointing to a bunch of clothes sitting on a table

"Alright what else?" I asked handing him the clothes.

"Now sit on this so I can zip it up."

"Are you calling me fat?"

"Hell naa, but that ass is." I punched him in the arm before sitting down.

"Well I'll meet you downstairs." I said getting up to leave.

"Hol' up."

"Yeah?" I said turning around.

"Uhh, I wanna say thank ya' for last night. I ain't neva really had somebody to just sit back and let me talk, I needed that. You made today a whole lot easier." He half smiled.

"I know you did, and I'm here anytime for you, and no I don't think any different of you cause I know you probably been asking yourself that."

"Yeah, you my lil nigga." He said giving me a hug. He stared down into my eyes for a moment before our lips eventually met. I felt a tickling sensation rush threw my body and I quickly pulled back. This wasn't suppose to be happening.
After dinner, we all prayed before we left, it wasn't a sad occasion, but instead it was filled with laughs and the family going around telling their favorite memories of Mel. I hugged everyone goodbye. August mom pulled me aside, "It was nice meeting you Camila and I hope to see you again."

"Awe thank you."

"So how was he last night?"

"It was tough seeing him like that." I looked at my feet.

"Thank you for being there for my baby, now I see why he really likes you. Just keep doing what cha doin' and keep them no good hoes away too." She said laughing.

Just then August came into the kitchen, "Thea' you go, you ready ta' bounce?" He asked

"Yeah." Aug and I gave his mother one last hug before heading to the airport. It was now time to go back home and deal with these arising problems.

Playing Hard to Get (August Alsina Story)Where stories live. Discover now