Chapter 81 - Melissa's Back.

Start from the beginning

Chloe and Charlotte sat in the creche with Aubree as it was break time "does Melissa know about Aubree?" Chloe shook her head "nope" Charlotte nodded as Aubree gave Charlotte her teddy "Philip could have told her" Chloe groaned "this is why I hate having a cousin who lives with me" Charlotte smiled just as the door opened and Melissa walked in "Chloe I didn't expect to see you in here" Chloe rolled her eyes "yeah well I thought I'd come and sit with my daughter" Melissa frowned "you have a daughter?" Chloe grinned "yeah I do" Melissa sighed "its not surprising really that you got pregnant at a young age, I'm betting you don't even know who the father is" Chloe scoffed "I do as it goes and he's here" Melissa smirked "Bolton Smilie?" Chloe shook her head "nope, Max Tyler" Melissa was shocked "Chloe he's at least 30" Chloe rolled her eyes "who cares? I don't regret any of it" Melissa sighed "its a shame really, you sleeping with an older man" Chloe rolled her eyes again "just do one".

Melissa left the creche and Chloe looked at Charlotte "I hate her" Charlotte grinned "I'd hate her too" Chloe sighed "we need to make Eddie and mum realise they're true loves" Charlotte nodded "yeah" Chloe grinned "Bree come here" Aubree came over "do you like Eddie?" Aubree giggled "take that as a yes" Charlotte smiled "do you like Melissa?" Aubree shook her head which made Chloe grin "good girl" Aubree sat down next to Charlotte just as Max came in "Chloe I need a word" Chloe looked at Charlotte "can you keep an eye on her for me?" Charlotte smiled and nodded so Chloe left the creche with Max. Once outside Chloe looked at Max "what's up?" Max smirked and took Chloe into the cooler pushing her against the door when it was closed he kissed her "that was unexpected" Max again smirked "tonight, my place" Chloe grinned "no can do, I'm going out tonight with my mum" Max looked at her "tomorrow then" Chloe nodded "yeah" Max kissed her again and they walked out the cooler.

Rachel was sitting in the office and Eddie walked in "is everything alright Rach?" Rachel smiled "yeah, just thinking" Eddie grinned "don't think to hard" Rachel laughed "how are things with Charlotte now?" Eddie smiled "they're great, we've been talking a lot more lately" Rachel smiled "that's great, I know that you and Charlotte are both stubborn" Eddie laughed "yeah" "seriously though Eddie, you've done an amazing job with her" "thanks Rach" Rachel grinned "I'm telling the truth, you have".

Melissa knew that Eddie wasn't intrested in her anymore but she wasn't giving up on her family "Philip" Philip was shocked when he saw his mum "wh-what are you doing here?" Melissa smiled "I came to see you and introduce you to your sister" Philip looked down at the child standing there "er, hello" April smiled "mummy pick me up" Melissa puck her up "I want you to come and live with me again" Philip sighed "I like being with Rachel" Melissa sighed "I'm your mum though" Philip looked at her "you abandoned me and now you wanna pick up where you left off" Melissa sighed "I'm sorry" Melissa walked off.

Chloe returned home and got herself ready for tonight, she and Charlotte weren't staying at the restaurant they were gonna come back to Rachel's and order pizza with Aubree. Once she was ready she walked downstairs "wow mum, you look great" Rachel smiled "thanks love, are you ready?" Chloe nodded "yeah". Arriving at the restaurant they were led to their table and Chloe sat Aubree on her lap "Chloe, why is this a table for four?" Chloe grinned just as Eddie and Charlotte came over "wasn't expecting you to be here" Chloe smiled "oh it slipped my mind" Charlotte laughed and sat down next to Chloe. About 20minutes later Chloe stood "Aubree needs her nappy changing so I should go do that, Charlotte, you coming?" Charlotte nodded "well we'll get your drinks" Chloe smiled and nodded "see ya".

Once they got back to Rachel's Chloe grinned "that went well" Charlotte nodded "yeah, shall we order pizza?" Chloe grinned "oh yeah", Chloe ordered the pizza with ice cream "Chloe, Aubree's fallen asleep" Chloe sighed and took Aubree up to bed "night night baby".

Rachel was beginning to think Chloe and Charlotte had set this up on purpose "I think we've been set up" Eddie nodded "yeah me too" Rachel smiled "Chloe has always been sneaky like this" Eddie laughed "she's a good 'un though" "yeah, when she wants to be". Once they had eaten their meal Rachel smiled "this has been fun" Eddie nodded "I suppose we should get back" Rachel nodded "yeah, see what madness Chloe has done". They got outside the restaurant and Eddie looked at Rachel placing his lips on hers "I love you Rachel" Rachel grinned "I love you too".

Chloe and Charlotte had just finished their pizza when the front door opened "hello girls" Chloe grinned "mother, have a nice evening?" Rachel smiled "yes as it goes" Chloe nodded "awesome" Rachel grinned "you're one of a kind Chloe" Chloe laughed as Eddie came and sat by Charlotte "were you involved in this aswell?" Charlotte smiled and nodded "well, me and Chloe both know you two belong with each other" Eddie smiled "we should be heading back" Rachel grinned "stay here tonight" Eddie nodded which made Chloe grin "come on Charl, let's leave the love birds to it" Charlotte laughed and they walked upstairs both happy that Rachel and Eddie were happy together.


A/N - Reddie Forever! :D

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Bye For Now xoxo

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