"Well I'm back now".

God he's so overdramatic.

"You do know he's the one that let me leave right?" I scoffed, as Ezra went back to keeping an eye on the door. "He's actually unbelievable.....But I'm glad I left, I found out some things".

Ezra's head shot back at me, finally intrigued with what I had to say.

"What do you mean?",

"Ask Romano" I grin,

"You know for a fact that he won't tell me",

"Precisely why I want you to ask him" I wink, turning myself away from his sight.

If what I know is true, Ezra bugging Romano about my accusation should trigger him. But knowing him ,he gets annoyed over pretty much everything, so that's not going to work.

"malia come on" Ezra groans, pulling me back to face him. "What is it?"

I'm unsure if I can trust Ezra, he is my friend, yet his loyalties lay more towards Romano. But I also needed someone I could talk about this too, might as well be the person right in front of me.

"tell me why he chose me?"

"at the auction?"Ezra asks,


I fiddle with the ring Romano gave me, as I waited patiently for Ezra's response. I wanted to know so badly, I just wanted answers.

"I don't know, Ask Romano" Ezra smirks evily,

At that moment I wanted to pounce onto him and strangle him until he gave me what I wanted to hear. I sent him a deathly glare, as he Chuckled to himself stupidly.

"But on a serious note" he speaks slowly, his hand resting on top of mine, "I know for a fact that no matter what reason he wanted you at the start, that's not the same reason he wants you now".

As sweet as that may have been to hear, it wasn't what I wanted. I wanted a confession or a secret to be revealed anything to get Lorenzo's words out my head.

"Isn't this cute" a voice says, startling the both of us. And of course the devil behind it is Romano himself. I look away to the window, ignoring his presence.

"I was just seeing how she was" Ezra says, excusing himself from the room "I'll leave now".

"Yh you do that" he reply's arrogantly,

When he walks out, Romano's still stood there by the door enjoying the view of the back of my head. I say nothing, trying to display my fury out to him. I stay in that position, untill I see him leave from the corner of my eye. And unfortunately he remembers to lock the door before leaving.

I spend the rest of the afternoon, getting comfortable on the bed and staring out the window. There's nothing much to see from the view I have, apart from the infinite lines of trees. There's the tapping sounds of footsteps, spreading across the upper floor, More than one pair to be precise. When it all goes quiet, it's already gone dark outside, Leaving me to take in the silence of the great mansion.

I stare intensely at the lock of my door, eye contact so serious making it feel possible to just fly through the hole. I've tried the handle one too many times, practically tried breaking it.

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