Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Heyya. I don't know if this is the last chapter for today. But! Next chapter, we'll have a new character. You can look up to it- Zane


~Zane pov~

I was eating cereal for breakfast and uncle sit next to me as usual. Peter have gone home because he have school. Uncle was having some conversations with his friends but I'm not paying attention. Then, uncle turn towards me.

Tony: Zane. I have a question for you. Do you wanna go to school?

Me: What's a school?

Everyone was stunned for a while. I don't know why though so I take another bite as I wait for answers.

Tony: You never gone to school?

Me: I stay inside most of the time and mom never takes me out after the incident. She said it was dangerous.

Nat: So when you came here for help, that was the first time you ever meet other people?

Me: Yeah. I understand her worries though. I've had bad encounters.

Everyone just look at each other. I continue to munch on my cereal. Don't get me wrong, I don't wanna be rude but the cereal is so good! I can't help it.

Tony: Well, school is a place where you make friends as you learn stuff. We won't be there though but you'll be in the same school as Peter. That is if you want to.

I think over it for a second.

Me: There won't be any bad guys, right? And I don't think that I can use my powers in front of people. Mom will be mad if she find out.

Sam: Well, if there are any bad guys, I'll give them a piece of my mind!

Tony: And Peter will look after you, so you'll be safe.

Me: Then, I'll go!

Tony: Okay. I'll let Peter know about this.

He ruffles my hair before they continue their talk.

' Friends... I hope they're nice like Peter...'


( Time skip to the first day of school. - I got lazy, sorry not sorry)

~Peter pov~

I waited at the front door. My friends, Ned and MJ waited with me even though they don't really know what I'm waiting for.

Ned: So, uh.. what are we waiting for?

MJ: I don't know.. Peter?

Me: Well, I got a junior friend that got transferred here. I just met him a few days ago.

Ned: And you never told us about him?! Are we really friends?

Me: It just sorta happened and I didn't got the chance to.

Just then, a car pulled up and I kinda see Mr. Happy at the driver seat.

Me: Here he is.

A kid got out, facing the car. He waves at the driver.

Zane: Thanks for the ride! See you later, Happy!

He turn and saw me before giving the brightest smile that even the sun could melt, well, not literally. He run towards me and hug me.

Me: Hey, Zane!

Zane: Hi Peter! Are they your friends?

Me: Yeah, this is Ned and MJ.

Zane: Hello! I'm Zane Ford! Nice to meet you!

Ned: Nice to meet you too. So, what year are you in?

Zane: I'm in freshman year.

MJ: So you're two years younger than me.

Me: Come on, let's get you to the office.

Zane: Okay.


We meet with the principal and we got his schedule. Suddenly the principal asked something to Zane.

Principal: So, is it true that you're Tony Stark's nephew?

I was surprised but Zane looked calm and collected.

Zane: I believe that he told you not to tell other people about it. He'd be mad.

Principal: Yeah, I was just making sure.

Zane: Please don't do an obvious act of flattery. I just want to have a peaceful school life.

Principal: I won't! Hope you have a wonderful time here.

Zane: Thank you, sir.

We got out and Ned and MJ had wide eyes at us.

Ned: So you're really..?

Zane: Yeah, keep it a secret please.

MJ: I mean, sure yeah. But that's so cool.

Zane: Yeah, he is awesome!

Ned: So what did you have for the first lesson?

Zane: Uh.. History.

Me: Okay, we'll take you there. We'll meet at the cafeteria during lunch.

Zane: Okay!

°~Thanks for reading~°

Life In Stark Tower (Includes Me And Yn Stark). [DISCONTINUED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ