Chapter Four

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~Zane pov~

Wanda: Your mother left you?

Me: No, not really... She doesn't act weird on that day. If she left me, I would notice some changes. It's as if she's abducted. Disappeared without a trace.

Wanda: I see... So that's why you were out in the storm.

Me: Kinda... But I don't have a phone, so I didn't know there was one.

Wanda: What's her name?

Me: Lana Ford. I got her last name.

Wanda: What about your father?

Me: I don't know, I've never met him.

Suddenly the door slammed open.


~Y/n pov~

Me: Basically, that's what happened while you're out on a mission.

Tony: He was attacked?! What kind of sick fucker that do that?!

Steve: Language.

Bruce: She already put him in one of our cell. The question is, what do we do with that kid?

Steve: How about we ask the kid himself? It's about him after all.

Y/n: Sure, let me make a call.

Pietro: No, I'll go pick him up. He's just a kid right?

And with that, he dashed out of the room.


~Wanda's pov~

Me: Pietro?! What's up?

Pietro: They need the kid upstairs for the discussion.

Zane: They need me?

Pietro: Yeah. What's your name? I'm Pietro.

I saw the kid look at me for assurance. I pat his head.

Me: Don't worry, he's my brother.

Zane: Brother?

Pietro: Uh, twin brother, actually.

Me: As if he need to know that!

Pietro: Well, I'm tired being mistook as your younger brother.

Zane chuckled a little.

Zane: You can call me Zane. Nice to meet you. Where do I have to go?

Pietro: I'll carry you there. We need to be there A.S.A.P.

Zane: Why do you have to carry me?

Pietro snickered.

Pietro: You'll see. See you in a few minutes, sis!


~Zane pov~

Pietro: You'll see. See you in a few minutes, sis!

Just as he said that, he scooped me up and ran. He was so fast that I felt like riding a roller coaster. In a split second, I was in front of a door.

He put me down and I hold his hand because I was nervous. He was shocked at first, but he let it be and open the door.

Pietro: Hey guys!! I'm back bitches!!

Steve: Language.

I got overwhelmed by the stares that I received. I hid myself behind Pietro.


~Y/n pov~

Me: Come on guys, cut your hyena stares.

I make my way towards Zane and Pietro.

Me: Hey, Zane. We meet again.

Zane: Hello.

Me: Would you like to come with me?

Zane: Okay...

He let go of Pietro's hand and hug me. He's shivering. I figured he was kinda scared and nervous so I carry him to the sofa.

I put him down and sat next to him.

Tony: I never thought I'd see a day my daughter would care for a child. Oh, how she has grown... * fake weeping *

Me: Cut it out, old man. By the way, this is Zane Ford.

Clint: Hi, Zane! My name is Clint.

Sam: The name's Sam Wilson. But you can call me Falcon.

Steve: Steve Rogers. Pleasure to meet you.

Bucky: James Buchanan Barnes. Bucky.

Nat: I'm Nat. Black Widow.

Tony: Oh, is it my turn already? My name is - Friday, drumroll please~... The one and only, Tony Stark!!

I could see him puff his chest, feeling proud of himself. Everyone just ignore his childish antics. But the kid chuckled a little. I guess that helped him calm down.

But, we need to get down to business.

Me: Hey, if you have no place to stay, why don't you come and live with us?

Zane look at me before he hang his head down.


~Zane pov~

My heart throbbed. What should I do? It's true though, but I don't want to be a burden. They have been nice to me, so I don't want to bother them with me.

I flinched when Y/n patted me on the back.

Y/n: You don't have to worry about anything, just say what you want to do.

I look up and saw that everyone's gaze are directed at me.

Me: B-but.. won't I be a hindrance towards you guys?

Tony: Hindrance? How can a KID, be a hindrance to a bunch of superheroes?

I was flabbergasted.

Me: You guys are superheroes?

°~Thanks for reading~°

Life In Stark Tower (Includes Me And Yn Stark). [DISCONTINUED]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя