Chapter Twenty-Two

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Heyya! Hope you enjoy your read! I was writing this despite the drowsiness in my eyes so pardon me if there's any mistake. Zane out!


~3rd person pov~

' Grandpa Al?!!'

' Hello, Zane. It appears that I am qualified to be your caretaker.'

' You're my caretaker?!' There's a glint in his eyes as he said it. If he have a tail, it would seem like a dog wagging its tail. He sounded so happy at the statement.

Suddenly, he was picked up by Tony who just came into the room.

Tony: Yup, I hired him. Good morning, kiddo.

Zane: Really?! Thanks Uncle Tony!!

Zane gave his uncle the tightest hug he could give. He lay his head on Tony's shoulder and swing both his legs out of the happiness he felt. Tony can't help but let out a small grin despite him not wanting to smile in front of the others.

Tony and Nat both join Y/n at the counter and Alfred serve them their morning coffee. Tony feed Zane marshmallows as he drink his coffee in between.

( Really, Tony? Marshmallow for breakfast? Well, not that I'm complaining.)

Everyone started coming into the kitchen area, getting some breakfast.

Nat's phone rings and she picked it up, seeing that it came from someone important. After saying ' What's up?', her face turned serious. After a few minutes, she puts down her phone. Everybody just look at her, waiting for her to spill it out.

Nat: We got a mission. And by 'we', I mean all of us, no exceptions.

Tony: What?! Right now?!

Nat: Yes, Tony. Don't make me repeat myself.

Tony: What about Zane? No offense Albert, but I'm worried that something might happen with just the two of them here.

Steve: Then, how about we call someone to stay with them?

Tony: THAT'S... Fine... I'll call the spidey-boy.

Zane: Spidey-boy? Who's that?

Steve: Spiderman. His real name is Peter Parker.

Zane: I know Spiderman! He helped me.. before. But he's a nice guy!

Tony: So you've met him?

Zane: Yeah! I like him.

Nat: Okay, he'll come over as his playmate. He's strong so Zane will be safe.

Tony: Sure.. We'll be back Zane.

Zane: Okay! Go punch the bad guys! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow! Pow!

Everyone chuckled. Tony ruffled with Zane's hair before putting him on one of the chairs at the counter.

Tony: We will. Jarvis, inform Spider-Parker to come to the tower.

Steve: Everyone, suit up.


~Peter pov~

I rushed as fast as I can to the tower and catch my breath as soon as I enter the lift. The lift goes up to the floor where the common area are situated at. When the elevator door opened, what I saw made my jaw drop.

A kid is floating around in the room, laughing as he turned around and saw me. His face light up as if he got a candy from someone. He flew towards me and landed with a big smile.

Kid: Hello! I'm Zane!

Me: H-Hi. I'm Peter. Peter Parker.

Zane: Thanks for saving me a few days ago. I might be done if it weren't for your help.

He said, his smile never falter from his face.

' I saved him?'

Suddenly it struck me, the memory of a kid trying to run away from a bunch of goons.

' So this guy is related to the Avengers? No wait, he knew I'm Spiderman?!'

Zane: Uncle Tony said that you're Spiderman. I wasn't able to give a proper thanks to you before. So, thank you.

' Wait, what?! He's related to Mr. Stark?! Why didn't he tell me earlier?!'

Zane: Peter?

Me: Uhh.. yeah. I'm good. Um.. so.. Why did Mr. Stark called for me?

Zane: Aunt Nat said something about being my 'playmate'. What's a 'playmate'?

Me: I see. Well, playmate is a friend that plays together. So, what do you want to do?

Zane: Hmm... I like building stuff. Uncle's suits are super cool! I want to build one in the future!

Me: I know, right? With the blaster and all.

Zane: Yup! Uncle is awesome!

Me: I agree! What do you think of the AI he created?

Zane: Flawless! Only the best functions available. I like Jarvis.

Jarvis: Thank you for the compliment, Zane.

Me: I'm thinking the same! He's an inspiration.

We high-five with each other. I discovered that we have so much in common as we get to know each other. As lunch approaches, we were still talking about the theories that Dr. Bruce Banner came up with the Gamma rays and the universe.

Old man: As much as you enjoy the topic, you should take a break. I've made some carbonara for all of us.

Zane: Okay, Grandpa Al. Oh, By the way, this is Peter, my friend! Peter, this is Grandpa Al, my caretaker. He makes good drinks.

Old man: Alfred Baron, pleasure meeting you.

Me: Peter Parker, nice to meet you too, Sir Alfred.

We all walk to the dining table with a few cutleries set up for three of us. Sir Alfred scoop up the pasta into our plates before sitting with us. When I take a bite, I could feel as if there are fireworks in my mouth.

' It's delicious!' I didn't even realize that those words escape mouth. Sir Alfred chuckled before saying;

' Glad you like it. Have some more.'

Zane just munch on the pasta, looking like a hamster because of his small mouth. We chat as we finishes our meal. When we're done, Sir Alfred take our plates and left me and Zane to watch a movie.

I guess the movie is not Zane's cup of tea. He doesn't sit still at all when it's only ten minutes in. I mean, I find it mundane too. Like a story of a cliche hero trying to save a damsel in distress from the typical villain.

' Do you want to do something else, Zane?'

' Hmm... I know! Let's have a spar!'

°~Thanks for reading~°

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