Chapter Five

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~Y/n pov~

Zane: You guys are superheroes?

I turn to look at Zane. He doesn't look like he's lying.

Tony: You've never heard of 'The Avengers'?

Zane shook his head.

Zane: My mom forbade me from watching the tv. I don't know why though.

Tony: Wow, I never thought there are still people who doesn't know about us.

The door opened and Wanda comes in.

Wanda: God, why did the elevator took so long to got here...

She slumped on the couch, next to Zane.

Sam: So you do have a mom. Where's she?

Wanda perked up while Zane look down.

Zane: I-I... I don't know...

Wanda: By the way, you can stay in my room tonight, Zane. We haven't prepared a room for you yet.

Everyone had a bewildered look towards Wanda, including me.

' I'll tell you about it later '

She 'said' in my head. She then gets up.

Wanda: Let's go, Zane!

He took her hand and walk out of the room.

Bucky: What the heck just happened?

Tony: I'm not sure. Bruce?

Bruce: Now that I think about it, he mentioned that he doesn't have a place to stay anymore, right? Maybe something happened to his mother?

Sam: Oh, shit!

Steve: Language.

Sam: Guys, I messed up real bad.

Me: I could see that. Anyways, Wanda will tell us about it later.


~Zane pov~

Wanda lead me into the elevator.

Wanda: You know, you're kinda small for a 13 years old.

Me: I guess. Maybe my growth spurt is later than my peers?

Wanda: Maybe. Anyway, if you need anything, just call out to Jarvis.

Me: Jarvis?

???: Yes, tell me if you need something.

I look around to search for the source of voice.

Me: Where...?

???: I'm an AI. So, you can only hear my voice. My name is Jarvis.

Me: Whoa... Cool! Nice to meet you, Jarvis! I'm Zane!

Jarvis: The pleasure is mine.

Ding! The elevator stop, indicating that we arrive at the floor. We walk out towards one of the door. Wanda welcome me inside and tell me where the bathroom is.

Wanda: So, I'm gonna leave you to rest or do anything you want. Before that, can I ask you something?

Me: Sure.

Wanda: I have the power to look through other people's mind. Is it okay if I look through your past?

I contemplated for a second.

Wanda: I want to clear the misunderstanding with the team.

'Maybe it's for the best'

Me: Yeah, you can. It won't hurt, right?

Wanda smiled, looking relieved.

Wanda: No, it won't.

She raised her hand as a red mist or light comes out of her hand.


~ Y/n pov~

After around thirty minutes, Wanda came back. She looked as if she saw a ghost... Maybe ghosts.

Me: Wanda, are you ok?

Wanda: Uh.. yeah.. um.. Give me a second.

She went to grab a glass of water and drink it as if she never seen water for weeks.

The team look at her weird antics. Then she sat on one of the sofa as everyone wait for her to speak.

Wanda: Uh.. well.. Before Pietro bring him here, Zane told me that he was searching for his mother until he collapsed in front of the tower. He said that she suddenly disappeared one day. So that's why I cut you off, Sam. Sorry about that.

Sam: No, you don't have to apologize. I'm the one in the wrong. Sorry.

Wanda: So, uh... When I brought him to my room, I asked him if I could look through his past and I did.

Wanda is on the verge of tears.

Me: Is that why you look so pale? Are you ok?

Wanda: Yeah... I don't know what to say or think about it.

Me: Do you think you can show us his memory?

Wanda: Yeah, I guess...

She took a deep breath before showing it to us.

°~Thanks for reading~°

Life In Stark Tower (Includes Me And Yn Stark). [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now