Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I have always like the number 27, so I kinda made this chapter about the feels. Hope you enjoy your read! - Zane


~3rd person pov~

Nick: Hah~. This will take a while to clean...

Zane: Do you want me to clean it?

Nick: No, it's fine. I can't have a kid cleaning this mess up.

Zane: Well, that'll take a longer time than me helping you.

Without waiting for Nick's reply, Zane clean the place with the help of Sylvie and Phyl. All the scattered food on the floor are tossed into the bin and the place became squeaky clean. Nick was speechless and Peter froze in his place. Peter has been wondering for a while if Zane has superpowers or he's just imagining it since yesterday, but now, it was all confirmed.

Zane: Done!

He turn to Peter.

Zane: Peter, piggyback!

Peter: Sure..

He pick Zane up as Fury just watch the kid with the feeling of amusement on his face.

Nick: So, you have control over elements?

Zane: Uh-huh. I don't usually show it to people. But you are trusted by uncle and his friends, so I trust you.

Nick: How do you know that they trust me?

Zane: Because you can casually put a pancake on Uncle Sam. He doesn't even remember to remove it before going out.

Zane giggled and Peter try his best not to laugh. Nick just let out a smile.

Zane: Plus, I can sense if you're a bad guy. I've encountered a bunch of them so I'll know if you are one. Peter saw me running from them once.

Tony: WHAT?!!

Tony shouted as he come back into the room.

Tony: Why didn't you tell me?

Zane: Because you'd react like that. And Peter helped me so it all ends well.

Peter: Yeah, I took him away from that scene.

Tony: Hah... Fine..

When Tony finally look around, he realized that the place is clean.

' Wait, it hasn't been that long... Who cleaned the place? The only one capable is..' Tony thought before he speak.

Tony: Zane.. you clean the place, did you?

Zane: Yeah, I don't like messy places and Sylvie and Phyl helped me.

Tony walk towards Peter and take Zane from him.

Tony: You know I already told you that I can have people clean this? The prank day?

Zane: Yeah... But I just feel like doing it. You said I can do what I want?

Tony: Fine, I did say that. But don't overwork yourself. Can you promise me that?

Zane: Sure! I can do that!

Tony: Good boy.

Zane hugged Tony as Tony turn towards Fury, who put on his resting bitch face.

Tony: By the way, how long is the meeting?

Nick: Depends on whether you keep yor sass to yourself or not, Tony.

Tony: Well, what can I say, I'm a sassy person since forever. So I can't help it.

Nick: Then I guess you don't mind leaving Zane alone.

Tony: Ugh.. fine.

Everyone slowly flooded into the room and get ready for a meeting.

Tony: I'll be back, Zane.

Zane: Can Peter and I go to your lab in the meantime?

Tony: Sure. Don't do anything dangerous, okay.

Zane: Yay!

Tony give a peck to Zane's cheek before handing him to Peter. They took the elevator first and headed to the meeting room.

Peter: Did I just got the permission to go to Mr. Stark's lab?

Zane: Yup! Now, let's go!


Peter: Whoa..

Zane: Yeah, I reacted like that too the first time I'm here.

Peter: By the way, what are we going to do here?

Zane grins at Peter.

Zane: We are building!


~Tony pov~

We arrived at the meeting room a few minutes later. We take our seats and focus on what Fury brief to us about the next mission. The mission is quite heavy since it is related to Loki. After all the important part, Fury suddenly sit down and face all of us.

Nick: So, how come I never saw him before this?

Me: Who?

Nick: Your nephew, Tony, that's who.

I scratch my head before Y/n tell him about it.

Y/n: We were never told about it until he collapsed in front of the tower. Bruce helped me took him in.

Bruce nodded in agreement. I just fiddle with my fingers when she talked.

Y/n: We also found proof that he's my cousin and Thor's nephew.

Nick: What? How did none of you know of this?! Especially those who are related to him!

Me: Because his father is my deceased brother!!!

Everyone in the room went silent.

Me: Now, even his mother is missing! And he have gone through SO much that I can't even forgive myself for not finding him earlier!!! So! Are we done?

Nobody said a word and some of them look down. I got up, feeling frustrated.

Me: Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to cool my head outside.

I dash out of the room...

°~Thanks for reading~°

Life In Stark Tower (Includes Me And Yn Stark). [DISCONTINUED]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat