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Readers POV

It was a normal day at school. In fact, it was going great! No homework assigned in history because Mr. Jackson was sick. My assignment fo rPhysics that I thought I lost turned out to be in the bottom of my book bag. Mrs. Tanya even let us have snacks. She never does that! Until lunch. That's when I realized that my best friend, James Pleadese Hawkins, had skipped school without me. Again.

I was my idea in the first place. Then he just goes and steals it. Also, he doesn't even bother telling me anymore. It makes my blood boil. Oh I just wish he were he so I could give him a good blow to the noggin.

"Hey Loser!" I sigh and roll my eyes. Angelica. She's had something against me since the 4th year. That's been 3 years ago! We're 15. Grow up. 

"Turn around when I'm talking to you!" She screeches. 

"Sorry, were you talking? All I heard was birds screeching and making my eardrums explode." I walk on. I hear a snap and suddenly I'm shoved against a cafeteria table by her two brutes, stupid and dumbass. I look her up and down. I suppose she could be pretty, but she isn't naturally in my opinion. She has pail shin and stringy blond hair that she pulls into a very high, very tight, pony tail every day. Her face is caked in make up and he feet are pinched into itty bitty kitten meals. Today she's wearing a bright pink skin tight crop top with a pair of black booty shorts that her bottom s practically falling out of. The only reason she doesn't get dress coded is because her dad is the assistant principal and her mum is the principal. Classic right? Annoying girl gets away with everything.

"Haha very funny." She looks around. "Now tell me why my physics paper got a C-?" 

"I don't know. Maybe its cause you didn't do it cause clearly, you would've gotten a F-." She yells in annoyance then nods to dumbass, aka Bill. He punches me hard. It hurt. "Ha! That all you got?" The only reason he 'works' for her is because she gives him passage to anything she wants. One time, I saw them snogging in the closet. Of course, I started a rumor, but it died just as quick. No one is brave enough to start a rumor against her.

"No Jim to help you now." She taunts.

"Oh please. You think I need someone to fight my fights for me like you? If you want we can go and I garentee I would win." She huffs in annoyance. And nods to stupid, aka Barnella. Biggest girl in school. Would beat you up just for the fun of it. She's Barbie dolls 'bestie' from kinder care and still believes it. That's the only thing that's keeping her going. Then he punches me in the gut and I fight the urge to hurl. Yikes. "Not even a tap!" I need to get out of here.

Barbie nods twice and that's when it really starts to hurt. They let me go only to slam me into the table again. Bill throws a punch and hits my shoulder. Ow. Barney tries to hit me in the head but I duck and kick her into the table. Bill grabs me from behind and holds me still while Barney punches kicks and slaps me silly. I fall to the ground. I lick my lip and taste blood. Oh boy. Sarah's love this.

"Where his Jimmy Boo? I've missed him terribly." By the way, she has a massive crush on my best friend and calls him 'Jimmy Boo.' Yah. Gag.

"Sorry, he didn't care to join this lovely meeting." I say through grunts of pain. I stand up with out support and feel a pain in my side I grab it and grimace. I feel someone shove me forward I fall. I try to grab something to steady myself, but only grab air. Or so I thought.

"AAAAHHHH" Angelica scream. Blood curdling. Everything stopped. Time itself seamed to slow down. I was in deep shit now. Never had I thought of hitting her on school grounds that have cameras. I'll have detention for ages.

"Annie! Sweetheart what happened?" Her father, Mr. Bowman, came rushing in. I'm quite sure that he's been waiting around the corner until I hurt his pour 'Annie'. I guess that's all he does. Waits for his little princess to need him.

"She- sh-she hit me!" Liar. I'll talk back. What else can they do to me?

"I did not!" She lets out another 'sob'. "I was simply falling, stumbling, and accidentally tugged hear hair!" I tried. Really, but Mr. Bowman just looked at me with disappointment and discussed.

"She's telling the truth you know" somebody says behind me all the parents look up and I slowly turn around to see Jim standing there. Wow. Great timing like always. Not. "She really did only trip and accidentally grabbed her hair. She meant no harm." Then he helped/held me up. Man that hurt. "Unlike her" he says to only me.

"Alright then. I suppose you will get off this time. But next time, it won't be so easily. Annie baby, why don't I escort you to the nurse." She sniffles and nods. As they walk away, she shoots a triumphant smirk my way

"You should go to the nurse to you know." Jim says after a while. The cafeteria resumes.

"No. I'll be fine. I don't wanna be around her." I say looking away. He's still holding me up, so I push away and wince. I start to pick up my things. I guess I wan't planning on eating lunch anyway. "Why'd you come back?"

"'Cause I could tell you needed me." He smirks.

"I could've handled myself." I say, even though I knew I couldn't.

"The black eye, busted lip and bloody nose as well as you holding your side in pain, says otherwise." I roll my eyes. 

"Listen, it'll be fine." I start to walk away.

"No, it won't. At least twice a week you come back to the inn with a bloody nose or black eye. What's going on."

"Nothing ok? She just hates me like most people." I say the last part just above a whisper. People were lookin. He stayed silent. BBBRRRINGGG. I jump at the bell I walk away and I'm followed by Jim.

"Hey, I'm heading out. You should come." He says

"Oh. So now you invite me." I say sarcastically

"Yah, sorry 'bout that. But, you'll still come?"

"Do I have a choice?" I smirk

"Nope!" He smiles and he pulls me out a side door. There I see two solar surfers. I jump on mine and speed off, yelling.

"Hurry up slow poke!" I yell

"Who you calling slow poke." I jump as Jim's upside down face appears right in front of mine.

"Haha!" He suddenly drops and speeds forward to the canyon. Our canyon. We do some twist and turns. I love the wind whipping through my hair. I see Jim look at me and I nod. We both drop our sails and kill the engine. We drop. I spin and flip and go upside down. I look at Jim, the ground getting ever closer. 5,4,3,2,1. We flip over and turn on the engines blasting upwards milliseconds before hitting the ground. We see a restricted area and fly right through, not hearing the siren we set off. We flip and spin through the machinery. I look ahead and see some spinning mechanism.

"Hey Jim!" I shout. "Five pieces I can make it through there." 

"Ok, challenge excepted." I go first at the last minute I drop the sail and lean back and make it through easily. "Ah, luck shot." Jim says then he goes "come on!" He yells and drops his sail and makes it though just barely.

"You own me-" I'm cut off by sirens.

"Oh great."

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