Bi vibes

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Percy PoV

As lightning skipped across the onyx sky, the thunderer proclaimed, "We've brought you here Percy to make you a god, the council has made a decision and a unanimous vote has been reached. You cannot decline our gift again."

Without a second for me to think the council started to chant in a language I had never heard before.

After they finished, I could feel my blood turning to ichor, it was really weird. A minute later a woman appeared, "You have awoken me from my sleep, I come on behalf of my daughters, to gift your domains, my siblings and I have decided to gift you domains of ours. You are named Perseus Jackson, High god of Tides, Night, Darkness, Heroes, Eclipses, Respect and Kindness. Minor god of Time, Storms, Fire and Hospitality. Defender of Justice, Protector of the Fae and the 15th Olympian, your sacred animal is the wolf, your symbols of power and chariot await you in the garage of your temple. Consider us your sponsors as a god, Nyx admires you, Tartarus considers you a worthy adversary and I admire your ability to deceive my daughters for all this time. I must go now, the council is calling me back, if ever you need anything simply call and we shall come."

After her speech finished and she flashed away, everything registered in my mind, I screamed, I would be told later that all of New York shook with my fury, "I will not be a god, undo this now!" My father replied carefully, "My son you were chosen by the primordial council themselves, even our combined power couldn't undo this." I turned to leave, behind me stood a white marble throne, plain as if waiting to feel my power, fit to seat my godly form, I could feel it calling to me from here. As if on instinct I strode towards it, as I reached it I realised I couldn't sit in it. Zeus spoke, "To assume your true form simply reach for your power, feel its pull and let it come to you." I did as he said and seconds later I was standing at twenty feet, I sat upon my throne. I could feel all of my domains at once, hear the wolves howling, feel the horses readying to pull my chariot, the waves smashing against cliffs.

When I looked down at my throne it seemed to seep darkness similar to Hades' but as it got higher it evolved into water and at the top sat an eclipsing sun.

"So I believe there is a meeting to carry on with."

Zeus babbled for hours after that but the main point was that there was a group of mortal heroes and both me and a yet unspecified god was to join this group, because the almighty lord of the cosmos had a feeling in his belly that a war would come, I mean who could argue. Zeus spoke, "So all that remains is to figure out who is going to join Perseus in his mortal endeavours?"
Immediately, "I'll join the punk, I've been wanting some mortals to kill recently," to this Hera replied, "No I shall join the young god," I'm sure as hell not taking the old hag with me. "I shall take Apollo, he knows mortals the best." Getting serious bi Percy vibes ngl

"Then it is concluded, Apollo and Perseus shall join this mortal group and protect mortals from whoever this new threat is. Meeting concluded." And with that Zeus vanished in a flash of lightning.

One by one the rest of the council left, until it was just me, Apollo, Hestia and Hades. Hades was the first to walk up to me, "I do not believe I thanked you for returning my throne to me, nephew," "it was no issue, I only did what was right and what should have been done long ago," after nodding to me one more time, he melted into shadow. After this Apollo just breezed out of the throne room, but not without whispering in my ear that I had two hours before I was to meet him back here ready to join the avengers, I didn't reply, fearing it would come out as a squeak, with his gentle breaths tickling my ear in a rather sensual way. It was just Hestia and me left, she ambled up to me and wrapped me in her arms, I must say it's quite odd to be hugged by a nine year old girl when you're a 6 foot 2 man. She stepped back and spoke, "I know you're hurting Percy, but it will get better, you need only have hope." With a wink, she too vanished in a burst of flames.


I spent the next two hours packing anything I might need, I know that I was a god but I'd only been a god for about an hour and a half so I didn't really understand my powers yet.

Nevertheless, two hours later I was back on Olympus waiting for Apollo, he was very late. When Hephaestus walked up to me, I was quite surprised, I don't think I'd ever really had a conversation with Hephaestus before, "Thank you Percy, for including my Leo in your group, however that's not the reason I came, after I left the council chamber, Ananke came to me and gave me your symbol of power and chariot. You need only imagine them and they shall appear, your symbol of power is a spear named Darktide, and your chariot will be very similar to Apollo and Artemis' chariots of the sun and moon. It is called the chariot of the eclipse. Now gimme riptide and I shall make it worthy of the newest Olympian." After I retrieved Riptide from my pocket and passed it to him, like Hestia he vanished in a swirl of flame.

"Ready to go cuz?" I spun around in surprise, I should probably work on being more aware of my surroundings. "Sure pollo."

With that we were away disappeared into rays of light, we reappeared on the roof of avengers tower in New York. Faced with six surprised faces and a kneeling god of thunder, what have I got myself into?

The sun shines on my dark heart (PJO/Avengers)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora