Chapter 10

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The Aurora was a cacophony of shouts and clanking as the men bustled about in preparation for battle

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The Aurora was a cacophony of shouts and clanking as the men bustled about in preparation for battle. The other vessel was less than a league off now, unsuspecting of the wolf in sheep's clothing closing the distance between them.

"You're pirates?" Gendry had sprinted up the steps to the upper deck, where he now glared at the captain with flared nostrils and clenched fists. To his credit, Gendry didn't flinch as Hornigold raised an aloof inquisitive brow. If Hornigold was angry at the affront he didn't show it.

'Yes, Mr. Waters, we are. Seeing as we're the ones who saved you from that godforsaken island, I would say you have no business criticizing our profession. We all make our living somehow."

"You can't be thinking of engaging with this ship while there's a woman aboard."

"The lady seems to find no issue. I do believe she can take care of herself." Sorcha warmed at the compliment. Hornigold glazed cooly between his passengers, noting the twitch of Gendry's jaw as he addressed his wife. "But, for the sake of your poor nerves, I will have her below deck with our accountant. She is precious cargo, after all. You know how to fight, boy? You seem no stranger to hard work." Hornigold surveyed the blacksmith, eyes trailing down his muscled arms and calloused hands with interest.

"A bit," Gendry nodded, bristling at Hornigold's words. The captain couldn't have been more than ten years his senior. Gendry hadn't been called a boy since his apprentice days, and hearing it now did nothing but ruffle his feathers further.

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