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Hi, I'm back sorry for the irregular updates hope you read this. Also due to school starting again I probably won't update as often.


I ran as fast as I could trying to avoid eye contact with Kana as much as I could. The sheer amount of embarrassing things that I said were unbelievable. And I was blushing so hard that I couldn't bring myself to even look at Kana and when I looked down I saw Kana blushing and looking away. That made me run even faster. 

As I got to Nurses office and then put Kana down on the bed before sitting down on the bed next to her. I knew that she had 100% heard all of the things that I said to her while she was being attacked on. Kana looked at me and then looked away. It was the most awkward situation that I've ever been in. So I started

"Are, you okay?"

She looked down and responded with a nod. It seemed she was still in shock from the things that happened before and was still trying to comprehend the different things that were going on. After a few minutes she looked up at me and then said.

"So you remember now?" Kana asked

I looked away blushing and then just nodded my head and I looked over as Kana jumped on me. And started to cry, I had remembered everything that I thought I had locked away forever. Everything...


"Will you go out with me!!!"

Back to now

Looking back that was the beginning to my story. And after remembering that I very gently pushed Kana away from me. She looked up at me confused and I gave her a bitter smile and then sat down next to her.

Kana POV

Yuu had a serious face when he looked at me.

"Do you remember that time back in Middle School when-"

I knew where this was going so I put a finger up to his mouth and just nodded.

"I never got your answer back then so I would really love to have it now."

I sighed, out of all things he remembered it had to be that one first. I looked at him and smiled as warmly as I could and then said

"Can you give me some more time to think?"

He looked over his shoulder toward the window and then as the wind blew from outside blowing at him as he smiled. I felt my heart accelerate and squeeze as I looked at him. It was a feeling I hadn't  felt in many years yes this was it.

After school

I lie down in bed. And take a leap back in time.


I looked over my shoulder at that kid. His name was Yuu and he was a very popular kid at school. I knew he wouldn't want to hang out with an unpopular girl like me. I thought as I started to read me book again. 

I had been reading for about 5 minutes, reading books gets my attention away from the real world, I didn't have to worry about getting bullied or being the quiet kid at school. I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was Yuu I looked at him with a surprised expression all over my face.

He laughed when he saw my expression. At the time I wore glasses, didn't comb my hair, and didn't use any makeup. Thinking back now I understood why I was always alone.

After he stopped laughing he put one hand on my desk and then put his head next to my ear and then said

"You want to meet up at the park after school today?"

I nodded and then dug my head straight into a book. My face was bright red and then he smiled and left.

That day felt longer then it was supposed to up to the point where I met Yuu at the park. I walked to the park heart pounding out of nervousness, How did I look, did I do my hair right? Maybe I should start wearing makeup. I didn't realize that there was a electric pole right in front of me and I slammed my face straight into it. And then I heard laughing from next to me I looked over, and of course it had to be Yuu.

I blushed as I jogged over to where Yuu was. He was dying of laughter on the bench, I just decided to sit next to him and opened my book. He stopped laughing, came closer, and then snatched my book from me and I reached over for my book but he dodged my attempt and then after a few attempts I gave up.

"Roosevelt Game." He said

(So to all of you who don't know[Which is prob like everyone] Roosevelt game is a Japanese book about a baseball team that comes up from the bottom and becomes a great team it is a great book and if there is an English translation to the copy then I recommend people to read it.) 

I looked away, only some of the boys had read this book and it wasn't very popular in the girls, I expected him to laugh or something but he didn't.

"Hey you're reading this book?"

He asked

I just nodded and then held out my hands in signal of wanting my book back

"You want this, well if you do you gotta ask me for it with your voice."

I shook my head and then shoved my hands at him.

"Okay, then I guess you're just not getting your book back."

I thought to myself, if I need that book back, it's finally getting good, I can't just let it go.

"C-can I please have it back." I whispered

Yuu POV (I also find it weird that Yuu was having the same flashback at the same exact time but... it works... I guess.)

It was the first time I had ever heard her voice, it was soft and warm like the sun. But that wasn't enough I wanted to tease her just a little bit more.

"Huh, what was that? I couldn't hear you."

She took a deep breath and this time at a normal tone she said

"Please give me my book back."

The way she struggled to just get those words out and the way she just gets so flustered after teasing her just a little bit was so cute and I couldn't help myself. I handed her the book and patted her head.

"Very well done."

She looked very surprised and then started to blush.

The next day she came to school she was wearing a shorter dress along with make up, a hair pin and combed hair. She was mesmerizing, even more then before, all the boys were gaping at her, I was the first one to make a move, I looked at her and then said

"Hey, looks like you actually tried today." 

and then she nodded and said

"And good morning to you to."


Flashback over

From that day on Kana and I started meeting more often and then it came to the day that I asked her out. And she just ran away. I thought that she hated me, but now she comes over and starts talking to me as if we were normal together, I don't know what that's about I have so many questions. I guess I'll just have to wait till tomorrow

Hi everyone, sorry for the late update, I've just been very busy lately and haven't been able to upload see you next time everyone!


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