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Hi everyone I'm back again I really don't have anything to report this time so I hope you enjoy

Kana POV

"I found someone that may have intel on our past lives."

I gulped down very hard and then said

"Well what are we waiting for lets go!"

He looked at me and I followed him down the halls apparently we were heading towards the headmistress room. We ran over and then the headmistress's assistant stopped us.

"What are you guys doing here, you're supposed to be getting to class soon." She said

"We need some information on Zero Two and Hiro and we've heard that the headmistress may have some of that." I screamed

She widened her eyes and then leaned down to our level and then whispered

"Get in the room."

We walked in and then she closed the doors shut behind her.


As we walked into the room the headmistress was sipping on coffee and looking out the window. Her name was headmistress Ai. She didn't have a last name due to her parents being part of the FranXX organization when they used to fight Klauxsaurus's.

"And who might these two young children be." headmistress Ai asked

"They are Kana and Yuu from the 1st grade." her assistant responded

She looked over at us and her eyes widened. 

"Headmistress?" Kana said with a questioning voice.

"Sorry you just looked awfully like the way my parents described Hiro and Zero Two." she said

I stuttered on my words.

"Th-that's exactly w-what we wanted to t-talk to you about." 

I looked over and she looked at us with a serious face.

"You better sit down cause this is going to be a long talk, Ms. Rika can you please tell their teacher that they aren't going to be in class for a bit."

"Yes madam." Ms. Rika responded.

Kana POV

She sat down at one of the couches and we did the same. Then she started

"100 years ago, around 15 years before I was born there was a battle between the VIRM and Klauxsaurus's. One in which ended the time of Hiro and Zero Two, the hero's of the Universe. But to know what had happened we must go back a bit further, to the way they were put together as a pair.(I will explain a bit here but if you want to learn the full story then please watch Darling in the FranXX) Zero Two was a member of the 9's they were an elite group of Franxx operators and they could all operate as the Stamen and Pistil. Which is known as impossible. They were all copies of Zero Two. The original of all of them. When Hiro and Zero Two met Zero Two was already a skilled FranXX rider. Later they realized Hiro was the only person compatible with Zero Two. Usually everyone could only ride with her 3 times and die on the 3rd ride."

"That's the same as me" I thought

"But Hiro was different he had licked Zero Two's blood as a child but had forgotten about it because his memory was erased by the people that controlled them. The people of earth. They had made these children all into people compatible to operate the FranXX but also slowed down their growth rate. Because Hiro had taken in Zero Two's blood he was able to ride the FranXX with her. Then they learned that Zero Two was also a copy. Of the first and the best Code 001. Then 001 took Hiro and then was captured by the VIRM. Just before she died she gave all of her remaining power to Hiro because she learned, by connecting to each other they can save the planet. Then Hiro also turned partially Klauxsaurus. They later fell in love but then died in space to save the lives of earth. They also figured out that Klauxsaurus's were not bad but they were actually the ones trying to save the planet. From the VIRM. Then everyone started to have kids(These people were not well educated on human nature because people were copied instead of being born.) and then we are here now today."

mouichido ano hoshi de (meet again on that star) Darling in the FranxxWhere stories live. Discover now