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Hi everyone I'm back and it's a new part hope you have fun!

Third Person

"Have you ever heard of the name Zero Two?"

Kana widened her eyes. She was surprised that he knew that name

"How do you know that name." Kana asked

"It comes up in my dreams I have dreams, and every time there is a girl named Zero Two in the dream." Yuu responded

"So you must know who Hiro is." Kana said

"Yeah, that was who I was in my dream." Yuu responded

They looked at each other for the carefully for the first time there was a nostalgic feeling in their chests, yes this feeling was 100 years in the making.


I finally found out who Zero Two is and it was Kana. Hiro and Zero Two, they were probably related in some way in our past lives.

"So we must of had some sort of relationship in our past lives." I stated

"Yeah, we must have huh, my question is what kind of relationship was it." Kana responded

"Hey do you know about how Zero Two calls me Darling in the dreams?" I asked

Kana looked like she was about to choke on her breath and then she wheezed a "yes,"

I was confused at the gesture so I told her "Hey it's not now that you use that word and it was your past self."

Kana looked like she was about to pass out. Does she use the word Darling in this life? Anyway... 

"Do you have any idea why we passed out at the same time like that?"

she thought a bit and then looked over and said

"Maybe it has something to do with the dream that we both had." I thought a bit, maybe Hiro and Zero Two were trying to show us the dream at the same time so we would that both Kana and I are connected together in some way.

"Hey, maybe we can do some research about our past lives and find out who we were. Maybe that will bring us back to who we were in our past lives." I recommended

She looked over and responded with a small nod. We exchanged phone numbers and went our separate ways.

Kana POV

AHHGHDJFU... I was hoping he wouldn't bring up the darling thing. I really hope he's not my partner in pairing for piloting the FranXX. 

As I'm walking home I feel a presence at my back. I walk back home like nothing happen and then quickly turn around to see short blonde hair. I roll my eyes and say

"Stop hiding Omega I know you're there." 

he came out of hiding and looked over at me

"Kana! How are you doing today my fine fiancée."

(Just imagine Omega looking like Alpha)

He came over and grabbed my hand and kissed it I scrunched my face in disgust and pulled my hand away

"If I remember correctly I turned down your offer, therefor I am NOT your fiancée, excuse me now I must be heading home." I turned and walked away but I was grabbed immediately and pulled back

"Oh come on don't be such a kiss ass, come and hangout with me we can do anything you want," he smiled

"Hey Omega, I really don't want to hurt you so would you just let me go." I asked nearing my limit

mouichido ano hoshi de (meet again on that star) Darling in the FranxxWhere stories live. Discover now