61. Chaos

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"Do you mind if I take it?"

Lee Hyunjin had been thinking about it. Zhang Jue was probably suffering because of the corrupted spirit, Einari had told him about how too much of it could harm even a Scion so that was probably why Zhang Jue was in pain.
He also surmised that it was the reason for his strange appearance though that was just a guess.

In that case, wouldn't it be fine if he took some of it? He wasn't sure of how much he could take but considering how he had absolutely no spirit in his body currently then he could probably take in a lot of it.

If he did so, it would actually help the both of them. He would be able to fight back a bit and escape faster and Zhang Jue would be in less pain.

They were in a rather desperate situation so Lee Hyunjin could break his 'no corrupted spirit rule' for now if it meant they could escape safely.

Zhang Jue blankly stared at this person who'd asked such a ludicrous question, it was only now that he'd really thought about it.

This person had been carrying him all this while and he didn't show any signs of inner conflict let alone corruption or erosion. He looked perfectly fine.

Zhang Jue was confused about a lot of things but the pain in his body muddled his senses making it hard to think.

Lee Hyunjin realised that Zhang Jue was having a hard time responding, he said, "it's okay if you don't trust me but I will not harm you, after all.... aren't you Qin Yu's brother?"

Zhang Jue's blackened eyes widened. Qin Yu? This person knew his Shixiong. Then... was his Shixiong alive? Was he perhaps herein Arshnix?

Zhang Jue remembered that Qin Yu had remained behind on Heiz because their master had sent him on an important errand but perhaps Qin Yu had come here to look for them. That was something he'd definitely do.

At the thought of his master, the corrupted spirit around Zhang Jue became thicker as hatred brewed in his eyes.... his master was no good person. Zhang Jue was a fool to think he was.

"Hey, whats going on!" Lee Hyunjin freaked after seeing the dark fog.

Zhang Jue looked at the person who had saved him, he calmed himself, this person asked to take the corrupted spirit from him.... then maybe he really could help him.

Zhang Jue used all his energy to nod and Lee Hyunjin took that as a go ahead.

"Alright," he held Zhang Jue's hand, "I've never done this before though... but I'm assuming it's works the same with plants."

Qin Yu had taught him about giving spirit to other people. It was dangerous but taking should be a different matter right? Plus he'd gotten consent from the other party and Lee Hyunjin didn't feel that Zhang Jue would try to harm at least not in the state he was in.

He closed his eyes and focused on the hand he was holding, he remembered the feeling of pulling the spirit out of the plants and zeroed in on that feeling.

Lee Hyunjin slowly pulled the corruption out from Zhang Jue and into his own body which was currently completely empty.

From the very tips of his toes, the corrupted spirit started to fill him. It really was more concentrated than any other corrupted spirit he'd absorbed before.

He heard Zhang Jue gasp but still carried on. There was a lot of corrupted spirit, it felt like he was drawing water from an endless well, was this because Zhang Jue still continued to generate corrupted spirit?

If that was the case then he couldn't give him Eneri, the two different spirits would conflict and Zhang Jue may just end up dead.

Lee Hyunjin had already decided not to let him die. He wanted Qin Yu to meet him first. He wanted to show the other his youngest brother who was still alive.

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