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Jungkook was laying on the grass with his eyes closed, the sound of birds chirping and water streaming in the lake calmed him down.

After he left the school, and was on his way back home, as expected, his father was at work, so he just took the car and drove himself to the lake.

It was like a special place for him, he always found himself here when he was unhappy, emotional, or furious. The place was surrounded by trees, a lake close by.

He always wondered why no one knew about this place and how fortuitous he was to find it first.

"It's okay, he loves Woojin Hyung, not me, they are happy together, and all these feelings are because I keep catching a glimpse of him around, if I just ignore him, it won't be a problem." He sighedd to himself.

He was 17 when he first saw him, Taehyung was 19 when they moved to their neighbourhood. Something about his nature, or his personality made him Jeongguk's first male crush.

He didn't know if it was Taehyung's dressing style, or it was just Taehyung himself who made him look cuddly all the time. And Jeongguk just wanted to hold him close and keep him with himself.

Soon, he heard the rumour in the school that Taehyung was dating a senior. It wasn't so overwhelming at first, but then jungkook knew with time, that it wasn't just a crush, he was in love with him. It hurt him every time he saw the older one with his boyfriend, it wasn't easy for him to see the one he loved so dearly, with someone else. And it was hard for him to suppress his emotions.

He didn't know since how long he had been here, it was already dark. He grabbed his phone to check the time. It was 7:14 already. He sighed and lifted himself off the ground, wiped his tears and went back to the car.

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"Hyungg~" Taehyung sing songed and came forward to hug Woojin only to be shoved away. He was always the clingy and touchy type of person, but woojin wasn't a fan of skinship, Woojin made him feel like he was so naive and immature.

"What the fuck are you wearing Taehyung? What are you trying to do?" Woojin gestured at his tight black ripped jeans and a grey see-through shirt.

"I-is it bad? I thought you didn't like girlish colours." Taehyung footed back, taken aback by the sudden harsh attitude.

"I said not to wear pink or girlish colours, that doesn't mean you could dress like a fucking whore!" Woojin yelled at him. Making him flinch.

"Wh-whore?" Taehyung couldn't believe his ears, he never in his life thought someone would call him that. He felt tears on his cheek. He grabbed his shirt feeling disgusted by himself for wearing that.

"Who else dresses like that?? talking so loud and trying to gain attention from other men?? of course, a whore and that's exactly what you are," Woojin yelled at him not being able to hold his temper.

"I-I never did that! It was always you who had a problem-" Taehyung was cut by the sudden slap on his face. The slap was so powerful he stumbled back and bumped into the wall behind. He had enough of woojin telling him he tries to gain limelight.

"How dare you even talk back to me. Shut the fuck up before I make you do that you fucking sl-" He raised his fist in the air, not able to stand it anymore when a sudden unexpected punch across his face made him collapse and land on his butt.

"And who the fuck are you now?" Woojin said to the muscular boy who just punched him.

Jeongguk didn't answer him and kicked him in the stomach, woojin winced in pain, clutching his stomach.

Jeongguk bent to punch his face again when Woojin pulled him on the ground and elbowed his spine.

Woojin stood and punched Jungkook's face, Jungkook grabbed his leg and now made him fall on the ground face first and sat on his back.

"So you're the one fucking with Taehyung behind my back, you bastard." Woojin barked.

"Shut your mouth, and don't say anything about him when you don't know shit." Jungkook rasped.

After beating him up completely, jungkook made him run away. His elbow, knees and cheeks were bleeding. He was limping back to his house when taehyung grabbed his hand and pulled him into his house.

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