Chapter 9 - The Eighth Night

Start from the beginning

Draco ignored the muffled whispers and pointing as he settled back to the Slytherin table.

"Dude! What was that?!"

He didn't respond to Blaise's inquires and the curious glances of his friends. He could only think about one thing.



Draco stared at his essay. Explain the difference between non-verbal and wandless charms, and elaborate on their advantages and disadvantages.

That was by far the longest essay topic Flitwick had ever given them. Draco rolled up his first piece of parchment, working on his second piece, his mind occasionally drifting off to other tidbits of events.

Non-verbal magic may cause a startle. It is both an advantage and disadvantage, depending on the opponent... Potter did seem eager to tell him the person for a split second. It, however, still requires a wand, if hit by a disarming spell... He seemed pretty pained when he realized he couldn't tell him the person. Whereas wandless magic can simply be conjured with proper eye contact or concentration... Holy Merlin's bra.

Draco jumped in his seat. Was it... was it Weasley?!

Gryffindor eighth year male. Probably loves Defense and McGonagall. Clumsy, no doubt. The Tales of Beedle the Bard, he's a bloody pure-blood, of bloody course he would've heard of it. Dead godfather? Maybe? The owl they had was so old and battered he wouldn't be surprised if that was dead, too. Probably wants to be a Healer?

Close friend of Potter. Comforting him. Potter at Aphrodite's... probably buying the stuff for Weasley... Weasley seeming to know about the conversation about to happen in the Great Hall... Oh, Lord.


Never in a frickin' million years.

A chill ran down his spine. He really liked this bloke. But... Weasley?! He has a girlfriend, for Merlin's sake! Wait! He has a girlfriend... or is he just afraid to come out?

Weasley. Never in any of the scenarios Draco had played in his mind did it turn out to be Weasley.


He stared at the thirty-seven ribbons tucked neatly on his bedstand, suddenly feeling very, very sick.

He darted out the door, not even stopping to disillusion himself, and set out for the owlery.

"Harrison! I need you!" he yelled as he swung the door open with a bang. Harrison dutifully flew out and Draco slammed the door, not wanting to deal with Acacia right now.

Draco cast a Disillusionment Charm on himself as he raced back to the dungeons with Harrison flying closely behind. He tumbled down four flights of stairs and fumbled for quill and parchment.

Gryffindork, I need you to answer me in complete honesty: Are you, or are you not Weasley? -D

Draco laid as a heap on his bed. He was anxious for Harrison's return. Would he answer him? If he did, he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to look at the reply.

Minutes ticked by and Draco gulped, balling his bedsheets in his fists.

He spotted a white furball approaching. Scrambling to his feet, he rushed to slide open the window and waited impatiently for Harrison to approach.

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