Chapter 6 - The Sixth Night

Start from the beginning

Dear Anonymous Gryffindork,

I can totally get what you're saying. I can't believe I've never built a blanket fort up till now.

Yes, I reserved my Friday night for you :). Don't think I don't love talking to you, because I really do.

Ahhh, you're killing me. I was actually also planning on going to Hogsmeade tomorrow, but now I'm trying to determine when... and where... you'll show up :(. Tons of guesswork to do, then.

Also, joke's on you, Gryffindork. I'm in my fort, you can't embarrass me by complimenting me today :).

What supplies are you stocking up?

Desperately hoping for more clues,

Dear Draco,

You're going to Hogsmeade tomorrow, too? Fun ;).

Also, joke's on you, because I never wanted to embarrass you today. I just really think you're cute. Rosy Draco is something I can never tire of :).

Sorry, but I don't think I can tell you what I'm buying. It's... a little revealing, to say the least.

Very very sorry but I really can't give out more details,
Your Secret Admirer

Dear Anonymous Gryffindork,

I'm on my fourth chocolate frog now. Pansy is so totally paying for her new wardrobe, I grilled her to buy me loads of them. Although I don't think chugging down that many frogs in such a short period is doing good things to my stomach.

It's alright. I'll ask another question. Thoughts on quidditch?

It's okay I understand,

Dear Draco,

I strongly recommend slowing down on the frogs. If you're feeling stuffy, try massaging your belly. Locate your navel, and massage a vertical line on the right of it. Then, a horizontal line from right to left above it, moving down to the left. It looks something like this (the dot is your navel):

You can continue to massage like that until you feel less congested

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You can continue to massage like that until you feel less congested. It helps a lot.

Thoughts on quidditch? It's awesome.

Your Secret Admirer

Dear Anonymous Gryffindork,

Wow, that actually helps a lot! More room for chocolate frogs!

You're really good at this. Have you ever considered being a Healer? I bet you'll ace it. You seem very warm and kind, patients will love you.

Do you play quidditch?


Dear Draco,

Fine, if you want to torture your poor stomach then go ahead and indulge yourself.

You're making me blush again. It means a lot to me that you actually think that. I would definitely love to be a Healer; I've been reading and researching about them. McGonagall's helping me, too. I hope I make the cut in the end.

And... sorry, I can't answer you. I can only restate that I think quidditch is awesome.

I've seen you play. You're very skilled, it's dashing to see you on a broom ;).

Your Secret Admirer

Dear Anonymous Gryffindork,

Alright, alright, I'll stop eating the frogs, geez! (Thank you though, I might not be able to stop if I were by myself, and frankly, seeing Pomfrey about that is just plain embarrassing.)

Are you kidding me? Of course you'll make the cut. You've got to believe in your own strengths. From what I've learned by chatting with you, you're really sweet and observant. You have what it takes to be a Healer.

Thank you for your kind compliments, but I'm not nearly as skilled as Potter though. I seem pants competing against him.

Thoughts on party games?


Dear Draco,

Glad I could pull you out of humiliation ;).

I really hope what you say is true, it would be nice to be a Healer, I think.

You think Potter's that skilled? Well. I must say, he should be really, really flattered. But you're really good. I can tell sometimes he's bat-crap nervous when he's going against you.

Party games? Haha, I bet you think they're annoying since you don't participate in them. I've never been a huge fan myself, but I guess I don't mind playing once in a while.

Perhaps call it a night? I'm a little tired, I think I'll try scoring six hours of sleep tonight.

Yawning a little bit,

Your Secret Admirer

Dear Anonymous Gryffindork,

Yes, Potter's extremely skilled. I think I'm the one that goes bat-crap anxious. Also, he should be flattered.

You got me on the thinking party games are stupid :). Well, not stupid, per se, just... I don't care for all the swearing, drinking, loud and untasteful music, and meaningless hookups.

Sure, let's call it a night. Good night, Healer-to-be. Sleep well.

Also yawning but I don't want to admit it,

Dear Draco,

Yes, Potter should be flattered.

Sweet dreams to you, g'night :).

You're cute,
Your Secret Admirer

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