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Everyone was getting to position.. the tip was about to begin.

Y/n thoughts:
Ok y/n you got this if  caie (caie is the teams starting centre) wins tip she'll most likely hit it to me.. ugh but kayla isn't here..
*burrrt* the whistle blew. the game has begun. Caie lost the tip but that was alright because you got a steal right when they tried to shoot. As the game progressed, Yosens foreign student had become a nuisance to your game. She was extremely talented...maybe on the same level as you. You didn't fear her though. You were actually quite entertained, you had never played against someone and gone all out.

Half time started. Tōō was winning, 30 to 17 you making most of the shots. You walked over to the bench where aomine and momoi were sitting to grab a drink of water. "jeez you're like an animal out there, ive never seen you play like that y/n" Momoi said. You chuckled "i'm not surprised..that Yōsen girl is good as hell y/n has to play hard against her" aomine said while slightly laughing. you just glared at him with your water bottle in hand. "eh she's a bit of a challenge i guess but i've still not gone all out if you know what i mean." you said handing aomine your water bottle. "yeah yeah you just don't wanna admit someone can actually rival you in a game. you're so stubborn" aomine said, standing up to fix your head band.

you blushed and let out a small "tch" and walked away to talk to the next line of players that will be playing after half is over. You heard someone call out to you from behind "hey number five!!" you turned around to find Yosens foreign student. "hi.." you said turning around. "you're l/n from Ballin' right?" OMG HAHAHA how does she know that... god that was so long ago.. me and aomine entered a street ball duos broadcasted game show a while ago back when we first started seeing eachother. Whew i'm not the same player that i was back then. You thought to yourself. you laughed a little "yeah oh my gosh how did you remember" you said.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN HOW DO I REMEMBER!!" She said shocked while smiling. "You and Aomine where amazing i remember watching it and freaking out over how crazy aomines ball handling was. Oh and your shots were amazing! that day you two inspired me to take basketball more seriously." She said enthusiastically "ahh thanks that's so nice i'm glad to hear that. you're a really good player i'm having a lot of fun playing against you" you said with a big smile "aw stop!! i'm having fun as well. you've grown a lot as a player since the show i'm a bit overwhelmed." She awkwardly said "hehe me and my boyfriend train almost everyday. Aomine, he's watching the game right over there" you said pointing to him. Aomine just looked and waved.

"Ohh that makes sense, Aomine is your boyfriend. no wonder i could feel some romantic tension when you guys were playing together. that's amazing" She said

Aomine pov: "Daiki, y/ns pointing at you" Momoi said "huh" Aomine smiled and waved at you "do you think they're talking about me or something" Aomine asked Momoi "yeah probably" momoi responded. "hmm she better not be talkin shit about me" Aomine said making a angry face.

 "hmm she better not be talkin shit about me" Aomine said making a angry face

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The buzzer went off, meaning half was over. Next half was about to begin. "welp cya on the court l/n" She said. "Alrig- WAIT what do you want me to call you?" you shouted to her. "LIV!!" Liv shouted back. You smiled.

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