Chapter 2: The Best Friend

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            "What the actual fuck, Ellen?"

          It had taken Alex almost twenty minutes to recover from the ordeal with the Winchesters. Her had eyes glistened with unshed tears as she pulled herself to her feet, though they weren't caused by a lingering sadness as the memories retreated to the furthest corners of her mind once more. No, a boiling, hot rage that threatened to seep over and burn everything in its path at any minute had been the reason behind them and she was more than happy to unleash that rage on the woman who she felt was responsible for this mess in the first place.

          Five minutes later, she's tearing down the road in her recently fixed Hyundai Elantra 2005, phone pressed against her ear and an angry snarl ready on her lips as the dial tone sounded from the small device. She hadn't even allowed the older woman to get a single word out when she had finally picked up the phone, and Alex uses her stunned silence at the more than hostile greeting to now continue, "What the hell are you playing at? Why did you send those hunters to me?"

          There's a beat of silence from the other end of the line as if Ellen is waiting to see whether Alex will unleash any more of her fury. Which she plans to, of course. But she wants an explanation first- and it better be a damn good one too.

          Once feeling that she has the floor to speak, Ellen questions, "... I'm assuming that these hunters you're talking about are the Winchester boys? Sam and Dean?"

          "Damn right."

          "Figured it wouldn't take them long to find you-"

           "They shouldn't have been able to find me at all!"

           "Listen, honey-"

             "No, don't 'honey' me. Seriously! I'm so fucking mad right now that I can barely see straight. You know for a fact that I don't work with other hunters, so why you would bother telling them about me in the first place is well and truly beyond me!"

           "I get that your pissy, but you need to watch your tone with me, young lady," Ellen warns, a slight edge to her tone as her more authoritative maternal side begins to shine through the cracks. It's usually only reserved for her fights with a stubborn Jo, but she's been known over the years to unleash it on those she deems unreasonable- Alex is no exception to this. More than once she's found herself on the receiving ends of one of Ellen's scolding scowls, and she's learnt over the years that the warm and loving woman has a very tough and scary side to her as well. She would need it, running that bar of hers. But the thought of Ellen believing her to be in the wrong here ignites an even stronger spark of irritation within Alex, but she bottles it as best as she can so that Ellen has time to explain herself. The anger can come later; Alex wants answers and she wants them now.

          "I know for a fact that your Mama raised you to treat your elders with respect, so how's about you take a deep breath for me, alright? Calm down and once you've cooled off, I'll tell you everything that you want to know. 'Cause I ain't telling you shit if you're just gonna interrupt me every two seconds."

          Alex grits her teeth so hard that her jaw immediately begins to ache with the pressure, but she nevertheless holds her tongue and forces herself to swallow down all the ugly words and threats that she had been more than willing to throw the older hunter's way. She loves Ellen dearly and has for years now, but the betrayal she feels stings like hell, and a lump lodges itself deep in her throat in a painful manner. It isn't until her eyes begin to blur so much with frustrated tears that she can barely see three feet in front of that she comes to the conclusion that she shouldn't be driving, least she causes an accident. Not wanting to potentially hurt someone or ride off her car when she only just got it back, she guides the vehicle to a slow stop on the side of the road, killing the engine and leaning back in her chair with an annoyed puff.

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