Chapter Nine

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We stepped into my dark apartment, taking off our shoes and rain soaked coats before I flipped the lights on, basking the place in a warm glow. My apartment was very nice in comparison to places I had lived before. It was an open floor plan from the kitchen, into the dining room, into the living room. It was decorated very trendy and nice, with dark walls and light wood floors. I had picked out the furniture myself, making it into a space just for me. There was a big window above the table that opened out with a crank, an ashtray sitting on the windowsill. There was a door to a small wrought iron balcony that was just big enough for two people to stand on. It was perfect for me, and I never saw myself ever leaving here. When I moved in I thought I had peaked, that this was the highest I could possibly go. Despite the fact that I didn't even pay the bills.

Elijah looked around. He had been here before, but only briefly, never getting a good look at it. He wandered the small space, picking up things, examining them before putting them back down. I stood by the island with my hands on my hips, watching him, remaining silent.

"Nice place." He said, looking at me. "Drinks?"

"Do you always have to be drunk to have sex with me?" I asked, coming towards him and putting my arms around his neck.

He slid his hands down my arms and hummed to himself, smiling. "Of course not, but I thought we could talk first."

I laughed in confusion. "Talk?"

I threaded my fingers through his hair, lowering my voice. "What's there to talk about?"

He shrugged. "You. I wanna know more about you."

"People never want to talk, they just want to get straight to the fucking part." I pulled back to look at him and he chuckled at my bewilderment.

"If all I wanted was sex this never would've happened." He said, his dark eyes narrowing.

I blinked hard in astonishment. "What does that mean?"

He pulled away from me, sitting down on a stool. "I mean, I like you for more than just that, if it wasn't inherently obvious. If I was only sexually attracted to you, I never would've acted on it."

My heart fluttered at his words, and I couldn't stop a smile from spreading on my face. I felt all cheesy and corny inside and it nearly made me ill but fuck it, I was going to allow myself to feel it.

"So you're saying—that you like like me?"

He laughed, attempting to hide the blush that was rising on his cheeks. "Yeah, I guess I like like you."

"Hm," I nodded, making a show of looking deep in thought.

"Well? What about you?" He tilted his dark head at me, a certain eager look on his face. "Do you like like me back?"

I coughed, a surge of anxiety punching a hole through my stomach. I held up a finger, "Gonna need that drink now."

His eyes followed me as I rounded the island and grabbed two shot glasses.

"Tequila?" I asked. I met his gaze and he smiled sadly in response.

The glasses clinked on the countertop. Of course I knew the answer to his question but I was apprehensive to say. I liked Elijah but I didn't trust him. Not yet.

"I really don't know you that well." I answered sheepishly like it was a lie.

He folded his hands in front of him.

"What do you want to know?" He asked sincerely, like he would tell me anything.

A few questions came to mind, but only one stood out. I remembered what Ricky had told me all those weeks ago. I hadn't said anything before because I didn't feel it was my place. Even now, I knew it was probably too far.

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