Chapter Two: Unhappy Memories

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Jay got up from his bed, looking around him to be sure everyone was asleep. Then he slipped out into the hall and took the elevator up to the roof. When he got there, he found Nya standing, her back to him, looking into the night. She looked divinely beautiful, with her raven black hair blowing in the wind.

Jay walked over to stand next to her. "What's up?"

She scooched closer. "Not much."

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Mmm-hmm." Nya murmured. Then she shook her head "Actually, no, not at all. I can't help thinking of... the other time."

Unfortunately, the master of lightning knew just what she was talking about.

"I figured."

"So you've been thinking about it too?"

"No. Well, yes, but not in a bad way. I try to keep a positive outlook. Besides, this time will be different. This time it's me, and we're ready."

"I hope so." She leaned her head against his shoulder, and they stood together in silence for a long time, staring off into the darkness.


"Close your eyes." Skylor commanded, and Nya did as she said. She felt her friend doing up the  ivory buttons of her gown, then turning her and steering her a few steps to her left. "Okay, now open."

Nya again did as she was told, and found herself staring at her reflection in a full-length mirror. Her eyes widened in shock, and she watched herself pale. She hadn't realized how much this would remind her of... that. The other time she'd worn a wedding gown.

This one didn't even resemble the flowered, bejeweled, four-armed mountain of white tulle she'd been forced to dress in before. It was simple, made of mikado silk, and fitted her perfectly. But she couldn't get that other dress out of her mind. She felt herself growing lightheaded, and the world around her blurred. Skylor called out to her, her voice sounding far away.

"Are you okay? What's wrong? Nya! You can tell me anything..."

But Nya couldn't tell her, not this. She didn't remember saving her friend from the clutches of the evil Djinn, she didn't remember Nya dying and Jay reversing time to save her. She didn't remember any of it, and she couldn't ever know. She would only worry.

Now everything was spinning, and the darkness was closing in. Someone was saying something, but Nya couldn't hear them. She was hot and dizzy and the world was growing ever darker. Then it all went black.


Skylor ran to catch her friend, just managing to save her from crashing to the floor as she fainted.

"What should we do?" She asked PIXAL, panic in her voice.

"First, we should lay her down and elevate her feet." The nindroid came over and helped Skylor lift Nya and lay her onto her bed upside down, her feet resting on the pillows.

"Will she be alright?"

"Of course. We just have to wait."

Just then, there was a knock at the door. "Can I come in?" Jay called from the hall.

Skylor ran to the door and held it shut. "No! I mean..." She looked to PIXAL for help.

"The groom isn't supposed to see the bride in her wedding gown before the wedding."

"Are you sure?" The blue ninja asked.

"Of course she's sure! She's a nindroid!" Skylor said a little too quickly.

"Well... okay then. Give her this for me." He paused to place something outside of the door. As soon as Jay's footsteps had receded, Skylor slid to the floor with a sigh.

"What are we going to do? Mrs. Smith is going to get here soon! What're we going to say, 'oops, she fainted, we have no idea why'? And she probably wrecked her makeup..."

"Don't worry, I think she'll come to soon." PIXAL reassured her friend, helping her up and opening the door to retrieve the tiny black velvet box.

"Mmhpmhh." Nya murmured, and they ran to her bedside.

Meanwhile, the water ninja felt nothing but confusion and panic. She'd left a state of blissful light and unawareness, and could hear talking. She remembered who she was- Nya Smith, the elemental master of water- and the voices were growing nearer. Everything was fuzzy, but she could make out shapes of things in her peripheral vision. She felt something soft and smooth under her- a couch maybe? A bed? What was happening? Why couldn't she see?

"Can you hear me?" A female voice said, worried.

Then it all came flooding back- it was Pix, and she was with her and Sky, and she must have passed out. She was wearing her wedding dress, and her wedding was today, and her mom was going to get here soon...

Nya's eyes flicked open, and at first she still saw the whiteness as she had before- but then she realized she was looking at the ceiling. She glanced around, and saw her two friends looking at her, worry in their eyes.

"What happened?" She asked.

"You passed out, but you're fine now." Skylor told her.

Oh, no. So she'd been right. Nya inwardly smacked herself for being so weak. She was a ninja, she shouldn't faint. She had to be strong, not pass out, had to prove that being a bride didn't make her any less tough.

"Are you alright? Is something wrong?" PIXAL asked.

"No- I- I'm fine." Forcing a smile, Nya tried to sit up. Skylor piled a couple of pillows from her own bed against the wall, and helped her lean against them.

"There, now, just sit for a little."

"Yes, and elevate your feet." Pix added, moving the pillow stack back under Nya's feet. "Now please relax for a minute, and you'll be good to go."

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