"Sorry, I'm late," Mr. Adams walked out to the backyard holding two small gift bags in his hands. "For the twins."

"We just got started," Joaquin told him.

"Thank you, Mr. Adams," Evelyn gave the man a small smile.

"Yeah," Enrique nodded. "Thanks."

"Where's abuelita?" Alejandro asked from beside his sister. "It's so...quiet."

"Late," Jennifer said. "As usual."

Enrique let out a snort. "Probably getting her hair done. Again."

"I heard that," Martina walked out, smacking the back of her grandson's head. "I've arrived!"

The brunch went by smoothly, the adults got along well despite the newest addition being Asher's dad who Joaquin didn't really get along with. But, things were changing, and Mr. Adams had proven to be a better father and person. Asher had even attempted to speak to Evelyn's grandmother in Spanish. The small phrases she had taught her boyfriend earning brownie points from the older woman.

After their meal, the adults and Alejandro left for the night allowing the children to have their usual Halloween house party. Which everyone showed up and showed out for.


"Wow, you two really went all out this year."

Asher joined his girlfriend at the top of her staircase as they watched their classmates filing in. Enrique had wanted to go all out since it was the last year they'd possibly celebrate their birthday together and Evelyn gave him complete and creative control of it. He decided on a haunted carnival-themed party solely based on the fact that girls would be scared and want to jump into his arms.

Evelyn was dressed as Maddy Perez from Euphoria and had to beg her boyfriend to dress up as Nate Jacobs. Asher was hesitant because he was basically dressing up as an abuser. But at the same time, he didn't really mind because he didn't have to put too much effort into his costume, plus, it was Evelyn's birthday and for some reason, he just couldn't say no to her.

"This was all Enrique," Evelyn told him. "He told my parents this is what he wanted and they definitely delivered."

"Come on," Asher tugged on her hand, pulling her down the staircase. "I see JJ."

Evelyn's eyes widened at the sight of JJ. It was always amusing to see what he was going to wear. "Wow...JJ, you're costume is very—"

"It's cool, right?" JJ chuckled, adjusting the stuffed tiger on his shoulder. "Tiger King, baby! I tried to get Ricky to dress as a tiger but, you know how he is."

Asher chuckled. "Enrique's costume is 10/10."

Enrique waltzed over to the three, he was dressed as Tony Montana. Which wasn't very surprising considering his favorite movie was Scarface. "Asher...buddy. Where's your costume?"

"I'm Nate Jacobs," he informed with a blank expression on his face. "Evelyn's idea. We're dressed up as that really messed up couple from Euphoria. She just wanted to wear that outfit, she looks hot though."

Evelyn pressed a kiss to his cheek earning a groan from her brother but a nod of approval from JJ. "Thanks, baby."

"Oh, what's up?" Jordan entered the kitchen with Simone right by his side dressed up in a corny couple's costume as well. "Is this where the cool kids hang?"

"Yes, it is," JJ answered, slapping him on the back before practically prancing away.

Simone's face scrunched up at the sight of his costume. "Is he dressed as—"

"Tiger King? Yes," Asher confirmed.

"Um, this is from Liv," Jordan handed her a small box. "She would've come but, she's not feeling...well."

"Well, tell her I said, thanks," she mumbled, grabbing the box from his hands. "You two enjoy the party."

"Thanks," Simone said, giving her a small wave.

Asher rubbed her back comfortingly. "You okay?"

"Layla didn't come because she thought Liv was coming," she confessed. "And now, Liv isn't here...and it sucks. My two best friends are fighting and I can't do anything about it because neither of them will tell me what's going on."

"Hey, worry about that on Monday," Asher said, placing his hands on her face. "Right now, it's your birthday. Have fun. And if you want to ditch this place. We can go to my house."

"You're the best boyfriend, ever," she smiled softly. "Alright, I need a drink. Preferably one with alcohol."

Asher took ahold of her hand guiding her over to the drinks and poured her favorite. Evelyn shook off the sadness of not having her closest friends celebrating her birthday with her and spent the night with her boyfriend. But, the two had eventually ditched the party.

"If we get caught..." Asher sent his girlfriend a warning look. "I'm blaming you, I don't care if it is your birthday."

Evelyn kept a soft grin on her face as they broke into the school and wandered over to the football field. Asher carried a blanket over his shoulder while his arm rested around her waist.

Her eyes twinkled in mischief. "What? Come on, this will be fun. Just me, you, all alone. On this huge football field. The possibilities are endless."

"Hmm? And what possibilities are those?" he smirked.

He laid the blanket out on a small section of the football field. Plopping down on top of it and patting a small space, he motioned for his girlfriend to sit down. She happily skipped over to her boyfriend, straddling his lap, and gave him a soft peck on the cheek.

Humming lightly, Evelyn traced her fingertips against his forearm, enjoying the way Asher's lips had felt against her neck. "Guess you'll just have to see, babe."


liked by laylakeating and 1789 more

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liked by laylakeating and 1789 more

eviehernandez embracing my inner maddy perez because both of our boyfriends have daddy issues🥰

laylakeating you're telling me I missed this iconic outfit?!

   →eviehernandez yes. absolutely.

asheradams gonna let that caption slide bc it's your birthday🙃

asheradams btw u look hot🥵

champagnericky ^^she's already ur gf there's no need to constantly kiss her ass🤨

livbaker you clearly have a thing for the boys with daddy issues

    →eviehernandez is it that obvious😧

*filler chapter*

piece by piece | a. adams²Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt