Chapter 30- Paige

Start from the beginning

"What are you doing?" I pulled away to look up at him.

"Moving my glasses." Seeing my confusion, he went on to explain, "I'm nearsighted. I only need my glasses to see things that aren't right in front of me."

"But why are you moving them?" My hand rested upon his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat.

"Because I want to see you without the lens in my way. The real you." His eyes twinkled.

I giggled into the back of my hand, "It's so weird seeing you without them."

"In a good way, right?" An eyebrow raised with a corner of his mouth.

"Always." My lips connected with his, a spark lighting between us. There was a fire between us, making me crave more of the boy.

Freak Like Me by Halestorm began to blast from my phone. I panicked and almost fell from the edge as I pulled the phone out from my front pocket. My cheek grew red as I looked at Kurt. He smiled and waved his hand, telling me to go ahead and check.

You. My place. Now. -Head Freak

I sat up and typed her back, I can’t. Busy with homework. -P.E.G. I hated lying to her, but my gut told me it was for the best.

You need to come over. Please? Its important. -Head Freak She responded back a minute later. I glanced over at my geek, bottom lip sticking out.

“Let me guess, you have to leave?” He sighed as I nodded softly. “Go on. She probably needs you more than I do right now.”

“Thank you for understanding.” A weak smile appeared on my face as our lips softly met for a mere moment.

“Finally!” The brunette girl pulled me in. “I was waiting for half an hour.”

“Sorry, it was a long walk.” I scratched the back of my neck.

“But you’re house isn’t that far from here?” She questioned me, staring into my eyes suspiciously.

“I was out doing things. Your text was last minute afterall.” She seemed satisfied with the excuse for the time being. We made our way into the living room and joined her brother.

“Hi Curt.” I raised my hand awkwardly. It felt strange to say his name without seeing the grey eyes that I’ve grew to love. And of course Dana had to notice my sudden change in mood.

“Paige, you need to stop thinking about him. It’s not good to think about your exes.” She took my hand and began to pat it comfortingly. “It’ll only make your pain worse.”

“I guess.” Desperately, I changed the subject to her. “How have you been since you and Will broke up?”

“The-boy-to-not-be-named is no concern of mine any longer.” She huffed and crossed her arms over her chest.

“I was just wondering since…” The sentence died off.

“Since what?” She interrogated me, wanting the answers.

“Well… Kurt and I were supposed to go to the Winter Ball together but now that we aren’t together I have no one to go with. And I can’t get a refund for the ticket.” My voice grew softer, lower, seemingly on the brink of crying. Kurt’s plan better damn work.

“I could always go with you, if you wanted.” Dana smiled at me.

“You would? Oh thank you, you’re the best.” I threw my arms around her neck in an embrace. Her arms wrapped around my waist as she hugged me back. Now to actually go to the dance and hope this works.

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