Chapter 32- Will

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I let out the breath I had been holding as her slim figure soon came into my line of sight. The brunette locks I have pushed aside now hung down her back in soft curls and her eyes popped with that dress complimenting them. My eyes didn't leave her as I made my way through the crowd. I stood around, just watching her as I waited. To my relief, the soft melody began to play. I wiped my hand onto the slacks before tapping her shoulder.

Dana turned to face me, "What do you want?"

"A dance." I smirked.

"And why would I want to dance with you?" She raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest.

"One dance and then I'll leave you alone. Forever." My chest tightened as the words spilled from my mouth.

A moment later, she huffed and took my hand. "One. Dance. That's it."

I nodded and pulled her to the dancefloor with me. My arms rested on the same hips that once taunted me with their sexy allure. Her hands laid almost deathlike on my shoulders. In fact, her whole posture was stiff. Am I that bad to be around?

"Relax." I whispered into her ear. "Let the music take you over. Just like the piano."

She gasped silently before unwinding. The music flowed throughout the air, the lyrics filling our ears. I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you, For a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more. I leaned in once more and whispered into her ear, "Time stands still, Beauty in all she is, I will be brave, I will not let anything take away, What's standing in front of me, Every breath, Every hour has come to this..."

"Shut up." Her voice trembled. She looked down at her feet, hiding her beautiful face from my gaze. "This song was your idea, wasn't it?"

"I paid attention Dana. I've always paid attention." I rested my hand onto her cheek and ran my thumb back and forth, wiping away the tears that began to stream down from her face. "Please, can we go outside and talk?"

She met my eyes with her own, "About what?There is nothing to talk about William."

She's never called me William... I sighed, "To explain why I haven't been cheating. To tell you how I feel about you. To let you in."

"Fine." She bit on her bottom lip. Oh how badly did it make me want to taste the mint of her chapstick and feel her smooth lips on mine. She led me outside and sat down on the bench. I seated myself down facing her. We sat there, waiting for the other until Dana said, "If you want to talk to me then talk. Otherwise I'm going back inside."

"Sorry." I scratched my arm subconsciously. "Look, Dana. It really wasn't the way it seemed. You know how every school has their slut?"

"Yeah..." She looks so cute when she's confused.

"Well Mia is the whore at my old school. She was just trying to find some dick for the night." I took her right hand in mine. "Dana, I would never leave such a sexy woman as yourself for a bimbo like her."

"So you only wanted me because I'm sexy." Fury lit up in her eyes as she took her hand back from me.

"You are much more than sexy." With a deep breath, I gained up the courage to spill my guts. "I have never thought I could find someone who would, well, get me. Not in just the physical sense but emotionally and personality-wise. But then I met you. And you know what? You are the single most amazing thing that has ever come into my life."

"Oh... really?" She began to soften. Seizing the opportunity, I took her vulnerable body in my arms. Her head laid over my heart and there was no doubt in my mind that she could hear my racing heartbeat.

"Dana, you are funny, kind, compassionate, beautiful, sarcastic, and sexy all wrapped in one. But most importantly, you have a big heart."

"What does having a big heart have to do with anything? Last I checked, it broke." She gripped onto my shirt, yet didn't pull away.

"Everything. You take care of all of your friends and even people you don't know. You made sure Kurt was happy that first day and you barely knew him. Thank you for that. And I've seen how you take care of Paige. She loves you a lot you know." She nodded silently. "But most importantly, you let me in. No other girl has ever done that. I was always the eye candy that they could enjoy and throw away..."

"Wait, you-"

"No. I never left them. They left me." I thanked god that she wasn't looking at me as tears began to form in my eyes. "One girl, Rebecca Williams, totally made me give up all hope on finding a nice girl to have feelings for. We went on a date and she said right then that she was only in it for the sex."

"I'm so sorry..." She turned her gaze up at me. "Will, you're crying."

"I know." She raised her hand and brushed the tears away. They trembled as she continued to look into my eyes. "Don't feel sorry for me, it's all in the past."

"But why did you act like that's all you wanted?" The girl asked as she shivered from the passing wind.

I pulled her closer, "Because of Kurt. He didn't really have friends at the old school so he didn't exactly hear what the girls were saying about me. I pretended to be the snarky asshole you knew me as so that he couldn't see my heart breaking. He's quite good at sensing that kind of thing. But no matter how hard I tried to hide it, I think he still knew it."

Dana wrapped her arms around me, "Oh Will. I never would have thought-"

"I thought I told you that I don't want a pity party." I forced a smile to my lips. "That part of my life ended as soon as you ran into me."

"Uhm excuse me, but you ran into me." She raised her pointer finger at me.

A laugh escaped my lips, "Either way, you changed my life for the better. And I had to fuck it up. I apologize for not opening up sooner and letting you look at my phone."

"Well... I guess you're forgiven. But I swear if you fuck up one more time-" Her warning was cut short as I pulled her face to mine and connected our lips together.

"I promise you know that I will do whatever it takes to keep you happy. Now and forever." She smiled and pulled me into another kiss. "I love you Dana McGrath."

"I love you too William Doering." She answered.

Upon entering the gym once again, now hand in hand, we saw Kurt and Paige talking in the corner. My brother turned his head and saw us together, his eyes lighting up. Dana and I watched as he got down on one knee and re-asked the redhead out, just be be rewarded with a love felt kiss. And at that moment, I knew everything was right in our worlds. And nothing could change that.

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