Chapter 24- Paige

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"Luke read it first." Dana admitted.

"What?" The boys yelled in unison.

"He was already there with me so I figured I would let him read it." She shrugged. "He read it and quickly left to see Noah about something. It was so cute, he was so red and embarrassed that he had to leave so suddenly."

"Yeah... Totally just that..." Kurt dragged on.

"Oh my goodness, I'm not that innocent." She rolled her eyes. "I know that he went to see Noah for some quality time action. I would have too."

"Oh really?" Will smirked and scooted closer to the brunette girl.

She laughed and smacked his arm. "Shut up."

"Make me." Will smirked at the girl. She looked at him with a hunger in her eyes and quickly connected lips with him. It didn't take very long for their kiss to get... Heated.

Kurt and I looked at each other, each of us blushing. Looking away, I took his hand in mine and he did the same. "S-so? How was last night?"

"It was good. I just finished catching up on Sherlock." I smiled softly, feeling his thumb rub against the top of my hand.

"That's good." I could feel him smile at my words. "So Dana actually finished it..."

"Yep. She did." The silence was thickening. Luckily Will and Dana remembered that we were still here.

"I know that Kurt won't mind." Will smirked and looked over at his twin. "He's already seen me naked already?"

"What?" Dana and I yelled. We quickly looked at each other before looking at our respective boyfriends.

"Really? You had to bring that up." Kurt whined and hid his face in his hands.

"It's not my fault you walked in on me." Will laughed at the twin. I looked at Kurt questioningly.

"I just walked in on him in the shower! That's all!" He admitted, his face growing dark red.

"Oh, scandalous." Dana smiled. Oh god, what is wrong with us?

"So, are we ever going to see this fanfiction?" I spoke up. Looking around, the twins were nodding and Dana rolled her eyes as she reached into the backpack. Finally, she pulled out the piece of paper. Will quickly grabbed it from her hands and began to read. Bursting with laughter, he quickly passed it on to Kurt.

His face began to go bright red as his eyes glanced over the words, "I am not scared of thunder. And even if I was, I wouldn't go to Will."

"Keep going." Dana urged on.

"Oh god, this is so wrong. Will's lips encaptured his brother's in an intense embrace. Kurt moaned, fueling Will's passion." His mouth hung open as he read further. "How could you go this far?"

"Easy. I just thought of what would be sexy and wrote it down." She shrugged with a mischievous glint in her eye. "That's just the watered down version. You should see the one of Luke and Noah. Twenty pages of gay lovemaking goodness."

"That's my girl." Will smiled and gave her a high five to Kurt's horror.

"How could you support this?" He asked his twin.

"Easy. I just did." He laughed. Well I know why him and Dana are so perfect for each other.

Kurt set the paper aside and leaned up against the music building's wall behind us. I squeezed his hand comfortingly. As he looked over and into my eyes, I gave him a smile. Hopefully he understood the meaning behind it...

Dana plopped down onto my bed with a happy laugh. "That was fun."

"I'm glad you actually watered it down. But did you really have to get Luke to read it?" I sat next to her as I picked the case up.

"Yes." She was so proud of herself. "So Derwin made you pick an instrument?"

"Yeah..." I looked down in horror of the small black case. "But I have no idea how to read music or anything having to do with playing. The trumpet is easy, right?"

"I don't know. I never got the hang of it." She shrugged. "Ask Kristen to help you. I know that she won't mind."

"Good idea." I smiled. Putting the case back under the bed, I turned to Dana. "So why did you want to come over?"

"Obviously because I heard you have a little puppy." She smiled faintly, rubbing her hands together. I knew there was something she wasn't telling me, but I knew better than to bring it up.

"Yeah, Kurt's uncle let us keep him." I quickly excused myself and fetched the black Lab. Smiling, I presented him to the brunette. "This is little Albus."

"Awww, he is so cute!" She began to coddle the pup. Albus was eating up all of the attention. But eventually, the little pup had to run out of energy at some point and fell fast asleep on my sheets. Dana silently watched the sleeping pup.

I knew something was bothering her. "So how is everything?"

"Fine." She stated, not even moving her head to look at me.

"Are you sure?" I scooted closer to her. "Everything is fine?"

"Yeah." Moments passed before she sighed, "Maybe not everything."

"What's wrong?" I asked as I took her hand in mine.

"Well it's only a feeling but... I think Will is talking to other girls behind my back. I mean, he never lets me anywhere close to his phone. And he doesn't check it even when he gets a text or call." She waited a minute as she looked down at her hands. "You don't think that's out of line, do you?"

"Of course not." I comforted her. "Are you sure it's a girl though? Maybe it's just his mom or something?"

"The ringtone is Womanizer by Britney Spears. I'm pretty sure I should be worried." She admitted.

"Well maybe. I think you should get more proof than just that though." It hurt me to see the girl like this and I knew it was for the best to put my word in.

Dana clenched her fist, "Oh I will get the proof. Watch me."

This won't end well.

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