Chapter 15- Paige

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"We're going to see what?" I gasped.

"Puppies. My uncle's dog had a litter not too long ago." Kurt smiled. "I figured it would be fun to go see them."

"Well that does sound nice." I admitted. "I'm definitely up for it."

"Good thing it's Saturday. We can go now if you want." He suggested. "They won't mind."

"Of course!" I exclaim.

We went off, driving through the outskirts of town. After a short while, we reached a small country home and parked on the dirt driveway. A tall, scruffy man came out and greeted us, followed by a large black Labrador. Kurt hugged the man with a laugh and a smile.

"Uncle Rob, this is my girlfriend Paige. Paige, this is my Uncle Robert." Kurt introduced us.

"It's a pleasure to meet you." I said as I shook his hand.

"Pleasure is all mine." He smiled. "You two must be here for the puppies."

"Yes we are." Kurt explained, "I thought it would be nice to see them."

"Ol' Bear will show you where they like to rough house." He grinned at the dog.

We thanked him and went with the elderly pup. Behind the shed, about five or six little Lab puppies ran after each other. Giddy, I immediately forgot about Kurt's presence and indulged myself with some puppy loving. I had forgotten the last time I had so much fun with dogs. Luckily, Kurt joined right in with me and we quickly grew weary. We sat down with our backs to the fence and simply watched the little black bundles of energy. As I leaned my head on his shoulder, I noticed a tiny pup excluded from the others, laying on the cold grass. My heart sank at the sight of his sad eyes, making me get up and slowly approach the little guy. He looked up at me as I picked him up in my arms and carried him back to Kurt.

"Hey little guy." Kurt scratched his head as I sat back down.

"He was so lonely over there." I told him. "I thought he could use some of our love."

Kurt smiled, "That was a good idea. The poor pup looks to be the runt of the litter though."

"Aww... I wish I could help him. I don't want to leave him like this." I pouted, petting the puppy.

We sat there for a while simply petting the runt and watching his siblings. Eventually, our little buddy drifted off to sleep on my lap. The sun began to sink down, signally it was time for us to go. As I nudged him to wake up, the pup curled up closer to me.

"Come on little one. It's time to go..." I tried to coax him off with no success.

"He's taken a liking to you." A gruff voice spoke out. I turned my head and saw Uncle Rob heading our way.

"Yeah." I smiled slightly, "But we have to go now and we can't just take him with us."

"Who says you can't?" He grinned at the two of us.

"What do you mean?" Kurt asked.

"If you want, I'll let you keep that one." He explained, "No one ever wants the runt and I usually have to give them to an adoption center. Better he go to you then a stranger."

"Oh thank you!" I smiled from ear to ear.

"Thank you Uncle Rob." Kurt hugged the man.

"It's no problem." He said, "So what are you going to call him?"

We looked down at the pup and watched as he lifted his head and looked at us with his green eyes, "Albus Severus Potter."

Soon after we were in the car, Kurt driving and me holding Albus. It suddenly hit me, "Where are we going to keep him?"

"Oh, well my place isn't exactly the best place at the moment." Kurt confessed. "Can you keep him, at least for a little while?"

"I'll check." I told him as I carefully slipped my cell out and dialed Home.

"Hello?" A voice came from the line.

"Hey Mom, it's me."

"Oh, hi dear. Did you need anything?" She asked.

"Well Kurt and I were visiting some puppies today and I was wondering if I could keep one." I bit my lip.

"A dog? But that's a lot of responsibility. And a lot of messes."

"I know, but we kinda fell in love with this one." I explained. "He's a real sweetheart and super laid back."

"Well... As long as you can take care of it yourself then I don't mind." She said happily.

"Oh thank you Mom! See you in a little bit." I hung up and smiled at little Albus. "Here that? You're going to live with me."

"That's wonderful." Kurt cheered.

After a quick stop to the store for doggy supplies, Albus and I were dropped off at the house. "Thank you again for bringing me. I had a wonderful time."

"As did I." He bent down and softly kissed me. He then knelt down and pecked the Lab's head, "Goodnight Albus, see you soon."

Once the door opened, Mom and Trish ran up to me. "Is this the little guy?" Mom asked.

"Yep. That is Albus Severus Potter." I smiled proudly.

"He is so cute." Trish smiled and scratched his ear. "Is Kurt helping you with him?"

"Of course." I admitted. "He bought all of the supplies afterall."

I finally got them to leave me alone after a while and set to making our pup happy. The bed laid beside my own and his bowls were set out in the kitchen with the food. Toys were strewn throughout my room. After I was finished, I turned and saw him fast asleep on my bed. I sigh with a laugh as I once again tried to wake him with no luck.

"Fine then, I guess we have to do this the hard way." I muttered to myself as I took him into my arms and set him down on his own bed. I was just pulling the covers over myself when I heard him begin to whimper. Picking him back up, I murmured, "Oh no, please Albus, it's ok. I'm right here. Albus, shhhh. It's ok."

He stopped. Put him down, whimpering. Up again, silence. After a few more futile attempts, I finally called Kurt.

"Hey, what's going on?" He asked.

"Albus won't sleep in his own bed." I confessed. "He just keeps whimpering."

"Well did you put something that smells like you onto the bed. Like a shirt or small blanket?" He questioned.

"Why would that help?"

"Because he trusts you and smelling you would help him calm down. He is in a new place after all and probably terrified." He explained.

"Okay, thank you dear!" I said before hanging up.

To my great relief, an old shirt did get the puppy to eventually drift back off to sleep in peace. Happy with the day, I soon joined Albus in the world of dreams.

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