Chapter 10- Paige

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I picked up the dark blue shirt, thinking of my grey-eyed boy. Lifting it up, I could smell his sharp cologne. I sighed with a smile as I finished putting it on. I couldn't help but wear it every night, it made me think of him when I did. The sweatpants were already on me, rolled up so I wouldn't trip. Looking at myself in the mirror, I thought of our date and how he was so kind and considerate to my wants and needs.

I grabbed my phone and sent him a short text: I miss you. -P.E.G.

He replied a minute later, I miss you too. -K.I.D.

Still have your clothes. Want them back? -P.E.G. I asked him.

Keep them. You looked cute in them. -K.I.D.

Blushing, I texted back That's just what you think. -P.E.G.

That's what I know. -K.I.D. Oh... Gosh... My face grew hotter.

Oh... So uhm when should we have another date? I really enjoyed the first one. -P.E.G.

My parents won't be home on Saturday. Is then ok? -K.I.D.

That's ok with me. -P.E.G.

How about Disney this time? I was thinking The Little Mermaid. :) -K.I.D.

Sounds good, I can't wait. -P.E.G. Sending the text, I fell down onto my bed.

Good. :) I'll see you tomorrow beautiful. -K.I.D.

See you then. :D -P.E.G. I smiled wide and set the phone down.

The next day, I got to school early to seek out my adorable geek. It didn't take long to find him by the library with his headphones on and phone in his lap. His thumbs danced across the screen, making my own phone vibrate in my pocket. Realizing he wasn't expecting me, I slowly creeped my way over to him. Once he was close enough, I pounced and landed on his side with my arms around his neck. He quickly turned his head toward me with eyes widened and gasped in surprise.

"Morning!" I smiled, feeling my face grow hot.

"Good morning." He smiled back with a laugh, "You seem pretty happy today."

"Well I did surprise you. I was fun seeing you shocked." I giggled and shifted my weight to me knees.

I was about to move my arms when he swooped me up in his arms and sat me down into his lap with my legs hanging off his other leg. "Much better." He smirked.

"Now I'm never going to want to get up." I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"And who said I wanted you to?" His blush was so cute. I hid my own redness by quickly resting my head down in the crook of his neck. "Hey, that's cheating. You see mine, I should get to see yours."

I lifted my head up and rested my hand over my mouth and cheeks. "Better?"

"A bit. At least I get to see your beautiful eyes." His grey eyes stared deeply into mine. I felt almost naked under his glare, but that didn't bother me in the least. He softly took my hand and moved it down to my lap. Taking my chin with the other hand, he tilted my head up. Moments passed in silence like this. Slowly, he began to close the distance between us. With only an inch left of space, I grew excited at the intimacy of this.

"Paige!" I cursed as I turned my head to see who interrupted us. I felt Kurt slump down with a defeated sigh. My eyes fell onto the brunette waving at me and her gold eyed boyfriend.

"Kristen, Brandon." I smiled. "Good morning!"

"Morning!" Kristen walked over towards us, dragging the clarinet along with her. "Who is this young man?"

"Kristen, that's obviously her boyfriend." Brandon rolled his eyes with a smirk.

"Boyfriend?" She looked into my eyes.

"Uhm hi. I'm Kurtis." He waved. "Paige's boyfriend."

"You never told me you had a boyfriend." She crossed her arms.

"Yeah well it's only been a week." I blushed.

"A week?" Kristen gasped. "Our little Paige has been dating for a whole week and you didn't tell us?"

"Oh leave them alone. It's bad enough you interrupted their quality time." Brandon said, trying to move his girlfriend away from us.

"Oh it's fine." Kurt spoke up. "A friend of Paige's is a friend of mine."

"See Brandon? They don't mind." She smiled. Yeah... Totally don't mind.

The whole week slipped by and I hadn't gotten as close to Kurt as I had that blessed morning. Holding my jacket closer to me, I sighed and strolled down the walkway. Will ran out through the door, quickly pulling his jacket on.

"Slow down there." I said to him. "You still have another half hour before you have to meet Dana."

"I know but I can't just show up empty handed like last time." He replied. "It's just not right."

"Oh really? Well I'm gonna warn you now, Dana thinks roses are cheesy. Try getting lilies or peonies if you decide on flowers." I smiled at him.

"Advice taken." He laughed. "Geez she is so strange. Not in a bad way though. Dana is something special."

"She is..." I scrutinized the boy. "You take care of her, got it? Or I will make sure she is the last girl you ever date."

"Got it." He raised his arms up jokingly. "I better go or I'll be late. Wouldn't want either of you two on my ass."

"Good luck then." I waved as he drove off. I turned back towards the home. With a deep breath, I knocked upon the door. 

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