Chapter 14- Will

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"What are you doing over here?" One of the blondes asked me as she rubbed my bicep. Girls, around ten or fifteen, were gathered around me.

"Well I was waiting for a girl to come over." I smirked. Now to watch them fight.

"Which one of us is it?" A brunette asked. "Me right?"

"No no Lindsey, it's so me." The blonde said. "None of you are as pretty as me."

"Girls, girls. There is no need to fight. You're all beautiful." I spoke up. Not that beautiful though, I thought as a pair of green eyes came to mind.

"Oh how sweet of you." A different blonde said. I watched as Dana walked into my line of vision. Once she looked over, I gave her my usual smirk.

"So..." A brunette traced a finger over my chest. "Are you seeing anyone?"

"I may or may not be." I teased them as I watched Dana. She sat down on the bench across from us, watching.

"Oh my gosh, really?" One of the girls said as they twirled some hair with their pointer finger. Dana mimicked the girl as she too twirled her hair and mouthed the same words. I laughed and incidentally alerted the girls.

"Why are you laughing?" Some other girl asked.

"Nothing, nothing. Just my girlfriend." I responded with a smile, making the girls gasp.

"You do have a girlfriend?" One of them exclaimed. "Who is it?"

I pointed at my brunette beauty, making the girls cringe angrily. "You're dating Dana?"

"Yep." I said contently.

"And you chose to date her? She is such a fucking nerd, hanging out with those stupid band kids. Everyone knows its all about the choir." One proclaimed. I looked over at my girl and watched her hide her face behind her hair as she looked away. Damn... She must have heard them.

"Really? I think she can be pretty cool." I smirked and watched as she perked up at my words.

"Ew we didn't know you were a freak too. Come on ladies, let's get out of here." I waved as they left, giving me nasty looks as they passed.

"Good riddance to them." I sighed to myself as I walked over to the woman who forced me into this captivity called dating. "Dana, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Why did you stick for me though?" She looked up at me with watery eyes.

"Because no one deserves to be treated like that. Well, unless they kill someone." I took her hand in mine, "And I'm pretty sure you only think of killing them."

"You actually couldn't be more right." She laughed and wiped her tears away with the free hand.

"Good." I smiled and brought her head to my chest, letting her lay there silently. She didn't move as I softly kissed the top of her head.

"You missed..." She spoke up and lifted her head to face me.

"What?" I had no idea what she was talking about.

"You kissed my head and missed." She shrugged.

"Oh, and where was I supposed to kiss you?" I smirked.

"You know where." She exclaimed.

"Here?" I kissed her forehead.


"How about here?" The cheek this time.

"No, not there." She smiled.

"Well then I absolutely have no idea where." I told her. "Where is it that I am required to?"

Her face began to turn red. "Stop being an idiot and just kiss me."

Knowing she's had enough teasing, I slowly bent in closer to her and whispered, "Are you sure?"

"Absolutely." She breathed. I leaned in closer until our lips were just barely apart.

"Will! Dana! Morning!" We both quickly looked up and saw Kurt and Paige waving at us as they laughed. "That's payback for you!"

"Payback?" Dana questioned.

"I may have interrupted their kiss on Saturday." I rubbed the back of my neck nervously.

"What? Why would you do that?" She gasped.

"I didn't know they were kissing! I just got home at that point and the other time I just wanted food!" I explained.

"Oh then I guess I can't be mad." She smiled. "Anyways, where were we?"

"Around here." I said and leaned back in to her, smelling mint on her breath. I noticed small freckles dotting her cheeks and nose, making her all the more beautiful in my mind. Our lips connected, putting ourselves in our own little world. Her soft lips tasted minty as well, making me conclude that the smell was from her chapstick. She wrapped her arms around my neck, my own hands wrapping around her hips. Feeling the glares of passerbyes, we soon split apart.

"So you did know." Dana laughed.

"I may have. Or that could have been a lucky guess." I smirked at her.

"You're such a jackass." She playfully smacked my arm.

"Yes, but I'm your jackass." And she's my obnoxious, cocky pain in the ass.

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