Chapter 16

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Harry Potter, Hogwarts (2nd Life)

Harry sighed as he laid back onto his pillow, glaring at the ceiling as if it was the cause of his bad flu/fever, making Madam Pomfrey laugh softly. "The ceiling isn't the reason you have a fever, blame yourself for sneaking out at night." Harry sighed. "Not my fault I fell asleep in the Astronomy tower." Harry hummed, making Madam Pomfrey sigh. "Next time do not fall asleep when you are sight seeing or sunset watching, Mr. Potter." Harry nods, before he sighed. "How long do I have to stay in here, Madam?" She hummed. "You can go back out tomorrow. Right now rest as much as you can." Harry sighed, before the door opened as Draco and Hermione entered the Infirmary.

"Right! Homework time. See you Madam Pomfrey."

The next day when Harry returned to the dorms, Andri was laying in his bed waiting. Harry! Was this my fault? Did I leave you sleeping in the room for long? Harry laughed softly as he calmed his bond down. No it's wasn't your fault. Madam Pomfrey suspects that I had been sick for a while, I just never really noticed and it got worst over time. Harry said softly, as Andri hissed, slipping into the crook of his head, like always.

"Harry. Are you ok now, mate?" Fred and George asked, as they appeared by the doorframe. "I'm doing fine you two. Now what is your business here?" Fred and George nods. "Quidditch practice. It should be fun." Harry hummed, nodding. Andri, you should stay here. I'm going to fly on a broom and you might fly off. Harry hissed, as Andri woke up. Alright. I'll stay here. Make sure you have a warming spell on you, I can't let you get sick again. Harry laughed, nodding, before following the Twins down to the field.

"Ah! Our star Seeker!" Harry paused. "What?" Oliver smiled. "I thought you knew? We didn't have any Seekers and depended on our Chasers to gather points and depended on me to keep the goals guarded." Oliver said, as Angelina and Katie waved. Harry smiled. "Well I'm glad to be in the team then. But who will be the reserve Seeker?" Harry asked curiously, as Oliver hummed. "Draco. He's apart of both the Seeker and the Chaser reserve." Harry nods, before he followed the rest of them on their 10 lap run.

Harry panted when he finished, before Oliver clapped. "Come on! Up up! It's time to practice!" Harry smiled. He had missed this.

When he finished training and was on his way to the kitchen for a quick bite, he stumbled upon some second years making out. "Ahh!" Harry screamed in shock as the two boys jumped apart, blushing bright. "Ah, s-sorry. U-um, I'll be going now, A-Avery." The blushing red Gryffindor said, as he immediately ran away. Harry stared, before looking back at the love-struck Slytherin. Harry cleared his throat, as the Slytherin hummed. "What? He's pretty, and lovely, and sweet, and shy, and-" Harry laughed softly.

"I get it, ok? Calm down. What's your name, Avery?" The Slytherin smiled. "Adrian Jackson Avery, of House Avery. That lovely boy was Callum Diluc Warrin, a beautiful boy with the prettiest smile. Sad that he's very shy." Adrian said, smiling. Harry smiled. "And I am Harry James Potter, pleasure to meet you." Adrian nods, shaking his hand. "Oo do you play, Harry?" Harry nods. "Seeker. You?" Adrian hummed. "Chaser. Pity. We could've butted heads." Harry laughed softly. "Probably. I was just on my way to the Kitchen, wanna come? And Callum you can come too." Callum, who was just hiding behind a pillar, squeaked. "Come on, the Elves will be delighted to see us."

Callum meekly followed, as Adrian stared at the boy with a bright smile. "Come on. And be careful, not a lot of people know about this." Harry hummed, as he tickled the pear and the painting opened. Adrian whistled softly as Callum watched with intrigue, before they both followed him inside. "Oh, visitors!" The Elves hummed, as they crowded the three students. "Hello. Can I have a quick bite before dinner, please?" Harry asked softly, as the elves smiled. "No problem! What should you like?" Harry hummed, before he turned to the two older students.

"Do you guys want anything?" Adrian quickly nodded. "Then say it, they won't mind." Adrian and Callum immediately start asking for a little bit of food along with their own requests on their meal preparation, especially on the fact that Callum is allergic to berries (all types) and Adrian is allergic to shellfish, while Harry discussed with the elves in smaller portions of food for him and some serpent healthy meals sent to his room twice a day, to which the elves happily obliged.

The two lovebirds parted ways, as Callum waved goodbye to Adrian, his face aflame. Adrian smiled, before kissing the boy's cheek and then laughed as he walked away, while Callum was frozen. "Come on, Callum, we need to go back to the Gryffindor tower." Harry hummed, as he pulled on Callum's sleeve softly, guiding him through the hallways. "So... are you a Muggleborn?" Harry asked, as Callum sighed. "Was it obvious? Which part was it?" Harry smiled. "Your mannerisms. You are shy around most people and Adrian didn't mention your House. If you were a Pureblood or a Half-blood you would've been introduced as House Warrin's heir." Harry hummed.

"And you? Who are you?" Harry smiled softly. "I am Harry James Potter, of House Potter. Pleasure to meet you." Callum nods, smiling. "And when did you and Adrian start dating?" Callum went red again at his question, making him laugh softly. "L-Last summer. He said he has been eyeing me since we met on the Hogwarts Express." Harry hummed, as they stopped in front of the painting. "You two are cute together." Callum smiled. "R-Really? Because Adrian has been saying that people won't mind but I grew up with parents who are homophobic, so the fear is always there." Harry sighed. "You'll be ok here, Callum. Even if your parents don't support you, your home is here, at Hogwarts. And maybe, once you're 16, you can move out, live with Adrian somewhere." Harry offered, as Callum smiled.

"You know a lot about this thing, even though you're 11." Harry chuckled, before the painting swung open. "Come on, let's get some rest."

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