Chapter 3

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Harry Potter, Diagon Alley (2nd Life)

Harry hummed softly as he walked to Ollivander's, hood up. As he walked, his eyes catches a jewellery store. He hummed, eyeing the little piercing set. He shook his head, before walking into Ollivander's. "Ah. Welcome, welcome!" The man greeted him, smiling broadly.

"Good evening Ollivander, sir." Ollivander looked up and down at him, before taking out a measuring tape. "What kind of wand do you prefer...?" Harry smiled. "My name is Hadrian Lupin." Ollivander smiled. "Yes yes, Mr Lupin. What kind of wand do you prefer?" Harry smiled. "I would prefer one that is a little longer than my arm, and with a Phoenix feather. The rest is fine." Ollivander nods, smiling, before hurriedly going to the back to find one that matches his needs.

Harry waited on the seats, before Ollivander pulls out a few boxes and set them on the counter. Harry stepped forward when Ollivander gestured him over. "I know you aren't supposed to use magic until you are 17, but these aren't built with a magic tracker. They were newly built so the magic tracker isn't placed in yet. And I know you wouldn't want it to be, right?" Harry smiled. "Yes. Yes thank you." Ollivander grinned.

As Harry used all the wands, he sighed, because the wands are rejecting him. Ollivander patted his back, before he reached for the last one. "Pine wood, Phoenix feather, 16 and a half inches, slightly bendy." Harry held onto it softly, before it shone a soft mint. Harry smiled, as Ollivander clapped happily. "Oh such an amazing wand! You are going to be a splendid wizard." He said, before Harry sighed, as he realised small bubbles from the wand. "And it seems like you already knew some spells." Harry shyly looked away. "Only a little."

As he left, already paid 7 galleons, before he walked past the jewellery store once more. He stares at the piercings, before sighing as he opened the door. "Oh welcome to Marius Jewelries and Piercings. Do you need something, little one?" The shop owner, Marius, asked, as he set aside the book and took off his glasses. "Ah, I just... I want a piercing...?" Harry asked, looking down. Marius looked at him closely, before smiling softly. "Sure. But only one on each ear, since you are too small for multiple piercings." Harry smiled.

"Now, which set do you want?" Harry looked at the parcel, before pointing to a simple short chain earring. "Ah. Alright then, come over here." Marius led him to a back room and prepared Harry for a piercing.

- - -H P- - -

Harry happily paid 8 galleons for the piercing, as Marius sighed softly. "Make sure to be careful. And regularly cut your hair, so it doesn't get tangled with the chain." Harry smiled. "Of course. And I should apply the cleaning and healing charm every six weeks, right?" Marius nods, smiling. "Now, off you go. And I shall see you soon, Mr Lupin." Harry bows slightly, before leaving the shop with a smile.

As he walked along the alley, he lifted his hood to cover his face, before walking to Florish and Blott's. He collected some books on basic charms, beginners guides to potions and a book on simple defensive spells. "Ah, welcome. Is that all for now, child?" Harry nods slightly, making the shop owner smile. "Alright, that will be 11 galleons and 2 sickles." Harry payed him with the needed coins, before leaving with a small smile.

When Harry entered his room, he immediately locked the door with some complicated locking charms and spells, courtesy of his experience with the Death Eaters during his 6th and 7th year of Hogwarts. Harry paused, before he smiled, and grabbing his wand, a few parchments and a cloak. He casted a disguise charm on his face, before he apparated outside of Malfoy Manor. He starred at the manor, watching how the clouds were ever present and not a single ray of sun past through them.

He walked closer, only to stop as he could see carriages in front of the manor. If he listened carefully, he could hear music playing from inside. Of course... The Malfoys is a family of the Noble bloodline, plus they are one of the only pure-blooded family still alive, so they would always throw parties to make sure their connections aren't severed and build them stronger with each party. Harry sighed, before walking into the manor. "And who may you be, young boy?" Harry froze as he locked eyes with the elf managing the guests of Malfoy Manor, before he cleared his throat.

"Hadrian Lupin. My name should be at the far back." He muttered softly, as he quickly flicked his wand to make sure his fake name was there. A fake name wasn't hard compared to the other things he had used back then. "Ah, apologies, Lord Lupin. Please, come in." Harry nods, before he was escorted by another elf to the ballroom. Harry took off his hood, as he covered his normal Muggle clothing using his cloak. "I present the Lord Hadrian Lupin." The guests were too busy in their idle chat to notice the small frame of Harry, so he managed to slip into the party quite easily.

He sighed, before looking around for Lucius Malfoy or his wife, Narcissa Malfoy. But honestly, the one person he would like to see in hopes of forming a friendship is Draco. As much as he had been a bully, if he had just been raised with a friend instead of followers he might be nicer to most people he had wronged before. He even died last time by the hands of Dumbledore, even though most thought it was suicide.

He looked around even more, before spotting the iconic platinum blond hair of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, who seem to be discussing something with some unrecognised nobles.

Before he could look around again for Draco, a voice spoke behind him. "So, young lord Lupin, huh? I have never heard of such a house?" Harry froze.

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